Make America Great Again – Trump’s set to win 2024!

This removed video of free speech is courtesy of Internet search engine monopolist ‘Google’, head office in Democrat authoritarian ‘one-party’ state of once great, but now dying, California.

May be the Marxist globalist lefties didn’t agree with the message, nor the right to convey the message.

Well, we published Trump’s election speech above. But only to have (“do no evil”) Google’s online video monopoly ‘YouTube’ deleted it.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects five freedoms:

  • Freedom of speech: The government cannot restrict the rights of individuals to speak freely.
  • Freedom of religion: The government cannot promote one religion over another or restrict an individual’s religious practices.
  • Freedom of the press: The government cannot restrict the press.
  • Freedom of assembly: Citizens have the right to assemble peaceably.
  • Freedom to petition: Citizens have the right to petition their government. 

So, we can’t change what deniers of the 1st Amendment do to try to undermine this bastion of American democracy.

Instead, we’re happy to replace that deleted speech with another free speech opportunity, until the globalist Democratic authoritarians rip that down too.