Anti-Trump Protest Riots funded by George Soros leftist

Foreign-born billionaire George Soros ‘owns’ corrupt Hillary. A financial terrorist of the Democrat Left in America, Soros, predictably been exposed as the man behind the money that’s funding the on-going and violent anti-Donald Trump protests across America.
The black hand of convicted criminal George Soros has reached into America’s political system, caught funding leftard anarchist cell
Soros’-owned Open Society Foundations is funding and directing to co-ordinate violent street protests against president-elect Donald Trump across selected cities across America.
With so much money, George Soros is not interested in democracy,only the best democracy money can buy. It’s called ‘plutocracy‘. is the key criminal cell behind all the current violence – the setting of fires in city streets, thwarting traffic, screaming obscenities and disrupting the lives of the working sane to rebel against democracy. It’s all a Clintonista dummy spit – what Britain’s Boros Johnson has rejectedly labelled ‘collective whinge-o-rama‘.
Hey leftards, the American election is won and over! It was democracy in action the brought Trump to the White House. Americans, the people, have had their say. Put up and wait another four years for another crack!
But the Democrats anti-Donald Trump fundamentalists, funded in part by George Soros just won’t quit. As usual, da Left is in denial.
Leftard Denial in Perpetuity
It’s well known that has been responsible for many of the riots and protests at Donald Trump’s campaign rallies, some of which became violent and dangerous. They’ve simply ignored the election – business as usual anarchism between welfare checks and dumpster meals.
Wednesday – the day following Trump’s victory – moved into action. The group put out a notice on their Facebook page, announcing they would conduct ‘peaceful gatherings of resistance’ all across the country Wednesday evening.”
Well, guess it wasn’t so peaceful after all.
As news from around the country by social media posters revealed, some protesters blocked traffic, others shouted “f–k the police” others blocked Americans from making their daily commutes to work, still others outright clashed with police, and more set fires, destroyed and defaced properties and burned American flags.
Peaceful protests, or bratty temper tantrums?’s Facebook page had called for:
“We will gather … in cities across the nation to affirm to ourselves and one another that, despite the outcome of this election, we will not give up. No matter what challenges confront us in the times to come, we will unite with one another and defend our communities—across race, religion, gender, age, ability, national origin, immigration status, sexual orientation, class, and all of our identities. The fight for a nation with liberty and justice for all—and with an economy and democracy that work for everyone.
Those of us in immigrant, refugee, and Muslim communities are threatened. We reject and are prepared to resist attacks on all of our communities, and we commit to care for, look out for, and stand with one another. An attack on any of us is an attack on all of us. Tonight, we will join hands, share our reactions, pledge our mutual solidarity, and resolve to forge ahead together in this moment of peril. We have experienced setbacks before, and we have always come back. Our movements are resilient and unstoppable.”
Yeah, whatever. Note the call to resistance – the logic being that these leftards are the ones under attack, and only reacting in rational defense.
This is what the eight years of the Black Obama Administration have rought, including useless Obamacare, a crim biased Justice Department, and an anti-American propaganda-pushing Education Department.
“Education” department or “Democrat Propaganda Department”?
In the wake of the Democrat trashing election loss, Obama’s poor teachers are so traumatised that Democrat funded schools are offering trauma counselling to leftard propagandist teachers in shock and their brainwashed students and carers.
Perhaps a Trump administration means that come January 20, the adults are back in charge.
‘MoveOn’ is just a radical arm of Democrat leftardism since Bill Clinton’s Cigargate back in 1998
MoveOn is the radicalised Leftard satellite party of the Democratic Party, split into two evangelistic cells – (1) Civic Action and (2) Political Action.
Both are headquartered in California. Any wonder why California voted da Democratic Clinton dynasty since Bill’s infidelity in 1998, continuing to fund raise millions for many Democratic candidates – consider Kenyan Obama…
Consider common Sanders and no-borders, pro-faggot, pro-illicit drug racketeer Nancy Pelosi..

Anna Galland (below) is the executive director of Civic Action and Ilya Sheyman is the executive director of Political Action. The Democrat political network also funds and runs college-linked under Ben Rattray and Jennifer Dulski again out of leftist deviant San Francisco in California.
The president of MoveOn’s board is former executive director, Justin Ruben. Co-founder Joan Blades is also on the board. They are all violent extremists and corrupt.
How Soros is Sabotaging America:
Mainstream Media Propaganda to Mislead Voters
Forget any Clinton conspiracy theory that the FBI investigation into Hillary’s Private Benghazi Emails was anything but appropriate, leaked funding documents reveal an effort by George Soros and his foundations to manipulate election laws and process rules ahead of the federal election far more expansively than has been previously reported.
The billionaire and convicted felon moved hundreds of millions of dollars into often-secret efforts to change election laws, fuel litigation to attack election integrity measures, push public narratives about voter fraud, and to integrate the political ground game of the left with efforts to scare racial minority groups about voting rights threats.
These Soros-funded efforts moved through dozens of 501(c)(3) and (c)(4) charities and involved the active compliance with civil rights groups, government officials, and purportedly non-partisan groups like the League of Women Voters.
The leaked documents also reveal deliberate and successful efforts to manipulate media coverage of election issues in mainstream media outlets like the The New York Times.
Conservatives and Republicans have no opposing effort or source of funds that represents even a small fraction in opposition to level of the Soros-led manipulation contained in the leaked documents.
The documents reveal that the Soros campaign fueled litigation attacking election integrity measures, such as citizenship verification and voter ID. It funded long-term efforts to fundamentally transform election administration — including the creation of databases that were marketed to state governments for use in voter verification. It propped up left-leaning media to attack reports of voter fraud, and conducted racially and ideologically targeted voter registration drives.
The racially targeted voter registration drives were executed at the same time Soros dollars were funding other public relations efforts to polarize racial minority groups by scaring them about the loss of voting rights and the dangers of police officers.
The Soros documents reveal hundreds of millions of dollars being poured into the effort to transform the legal and media environment touching on elections. One document notes that poverty-alleviation programs are being de-emphasized for this new effort. It states: “George Soros has authorized U.S. Programs to propose a budget of $320 million over two years, with the understanding that the annual budget for U.S. Programs will be $150 million beginning in 2013.”
The purpose of the expansion is clear:
The increase in Democracy and Power Fund budget will expand funding of non-partisan voter engagement to catalyze participation from African-American, Latino, immigrant, and youth communities in particular, and to ensure a fair and just redistricting process. The increase in the Transparency and Integrity Fund will expand support for election reform, judicial independence and journalism.
Below are some highlights of this expansive Soros funded campaign to alter the legal environment and rules of American elections.
• Soros funded multiple attacks on state voter identification laws in places such as Wisconsin, North Carolina and Virginia. While not successful at the trial court in North Carolina and Virginia, the Soros litigation won a victory in the appeals courts resulting in North Carolina election integrity laws being suspended for the Presidential election.
Worse, the litigation resulted in opinions by federal appeals courts which could potentially turn the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into a one-way political ratchet that helps Democrats, as long as Democrats can enforce racially polarized voting patterns.
• Soros documents show funding for the League of Women Voters and their effort “to catalyze greater participation from Black and Latino youth in advocacy both before and after elections.” The LWV is currently in federal court trying to stop efforts by Kansas, Georgia, and Alabama to verify that only citizens are registering to vote. The same organization intervened in a lawsuit by the Public Interest Legal Foundation to clean voter rolls in a Virginia jurisdiction with more registered voters than eligible citizens.
• Soros documents show funding of $250,000 for the North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP before the group then sued to stop the use of voter ID in North Carolina. Other groups in North Carolina who were on the funding documents include: “Action Institute NC – $75,000 over one year . . . North Carolina Latino Coalition – $75,000 . . . New World Foundation – $300,000 over one year . . . North Carolina Fair Share Education Fund – $75,000 . . . School for Creative Activism – $75,000.”
• Soros documents show that it funded efforts to attack the efforts of Tea Party organizations such as True the Vote to promote election integrity and triggered Department of Justice action. One funding document states that the Campaign Legal Center, [former John McCain lawyer] Trevor Potter, and the Brennan Center worked on “voter registration reform” and efforts to attack Tea Party groups. “CLC is focusing most of its efforts on the threat posed by these private ‘challenger’ groups and, to that end, has been gathering information on the activities of such groups, including Houston-based True the Vote.
Working in partnership with Transparency Fund grantee Project Vote, CLC has pieced together a narrative that strongly suggests a widespread effort by True the Vote to suppress minority voting. CLC made Open Records Requests to officials in Houston to obtain all communications between True the Vote and Houston election offices, obtained and analyzed these documents and presented their findings to the United States Department of Justice last month.
Following this meeting, the Justice Department sent federal officials to Houston to monitor the May primary elections. One other aspect of CLC’s work in this area is its Executive Director, J. Gerald Hebert’s role as chief counsel to a group of intervenors in State of Texas v. Holder.”
• The funding documents name groups which received in excess of $500,000 each year from Soros. They include: “Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Center for American Progress, Advancement Project, Center for Community Change, Brennan Center.” Three of the largest recipients are engaged in litigation and strategic communications denying voter fraud and seeking to transform the rules of elections.
• Soros money is moving away from pressing for “campaign finance reform” and speech regulations, and instead into election process areas. The funding documents state “We do recommend shifts in a significant area of previous strategy. Historically, OSI played a leading role in promoting campaign finance reform models at the national and state levels. In recent years, changed conditions caused us to re-examine our approach, and our analysis led us to begin discontinuing our support to campaign finance reform groups.”
• Soros money fought voter ID, everywhere. The leaked documents state: “The 2012 elections proved that momentum is with the voting rights and civil rights community rather than their detractors. Not only was this field successful at blocking restrictive laws from being implemented in Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin and South Carolina, but a strong coalition in Minnesota came from behind to achieve the first victory against photo ID on the ballot.”
• Soros money was directed at the Advancement Project and Brennan Center to influence media coverage on election integrity issues and provide voter fraud denial propaganda. Leaked funding documents state: “In a specific grant update, the U.S. Programs board-funded communications and messaging project was successfully led by the Brennan Center and the Advancement Project, and played an important role in the spike in media attention on voting rights this year. The groups developed affirmative voting rights messages and shared them widely in and beyond the field. The messages were used verbatim hundreds of times in sources ranging from The New York Times to the Philadelphia Inquirer, quickly and fully working their way into the media, national and local, and across social networking sites.” Verbatim.
• Soros funding documents reveal that the Brennan Center and Advancement Project, two organizations regularly opposing election integrity measures in court, were among the largest Soros funding recipients for the entire Soros-program.
• ERIC, the program seeded by PEW to allow states to verify voter identity which many states now use, was started with Soros money and an “anonymous” donor.
Election Administration
• Soros money partnered with the Rockefeller Family Fund to push for changes to voter registration policies at the national level and gave money to Pew Center on the States to push for voter list maintenance practices favorable to Soros at the state level. After these grants were made, Oregon and California moved toward mandatory voter registration, where everyone who is on a government database is automatically put on the list of eligible voters. Legislation was also introduced in Congress to nationalize voter registration even though the Constitution gives power to the states to run their own elections.
• Soros money funded a variety of organizations to “broaden the voices calling for reform” including the Brennan Center for Justice which subsequently issued a report on mandatory voter registration.
• Soros money is funding some of the loudest voices who deny that voter fraud is a serious problem. These voices have produced poorly researched studies that are routinely cited by mainstream media to argue that voter fraud is a myth. Among the groups are the Brennan Center for Justice and the Advancement Project, two organizations that have opposed election integrity laws and have sought to stop the efforts of states to ensure that only citizens are voting. Soros grants also went to “New America Media,” which describes itself as “a nationwide association of 3,000 ethnic media organizations representing the development of a more inclusive journalism.”
This mix of funding for media efforts with non-profit organizations who oppose election integrity was branded as “Broad and Equitable Access to the Ballot” in Soros funding documents.
George Soros Sending $500 Million to Help Refugees Build Business
Billionaire George Soros is pledging to invest up to $500 million in startups in America, established companies, ‘social impact initiatives,’ and businesses started by illegals.
Our goal is to harness the private sector for public good,’ Soros said. ‘These investments are intended to be successful. But our primary focus is to create products and services that truly benefit migrants and host communities.
He expressed hope his commitment ‘will inspire other investors to pursue the same mission.
U.N. refugee chief Filippo Grandi said the investments ‘will help refugees become self-reliant.
Interestingly, the promise of funding comes just as Germany was forced to admit its own jobs-for-refugees program was failing due in large part because of integration issues.
George Soros has been behind the promoting and funding of the migrant invasion of Europe.
Through 2015, millions of muslim migrants swamped Europe and were handed a “migrants handbook” packed with tips, maps, phone numbers and advice about getting across Europe. The “rough guide” contains phone numbers of organisations which might help refugees. The “rough guide” is written in Arabic and contains phone numbers of organisations which will help refugees making the journey, such as the Red Cross and UNHCR.
The “Rough Guide,” is printed and distributed by the Soros “Open Society” group “W2eu” or “Welcome to the EU,” and his Foundations have activists handing out these guides for free in Turkey.
Soros has repeatedly said that he sees himself as a messianic figure. Who but a megalomaniac would make these comments? “I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance—to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god” or “I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin.” If only the loony bin were an option. As it is, one of the wealthiest men in the world is using his billions to impose a radical agenda on America and the world.
A leaked memo from left-wing financier George Soros’s Open Society Foundations argues that Europe’s refugee crisis should be accepted as a “new normal,” and that the refugee crisis means “new opportunities” for Soros’ organization to influence immigration policies on a global scale.
OSF program officer Anna Crowley and program specialist Katin Rosin co-authored the May 12 memo, titled “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review.” The memo focuses on an OSF program called the International Migration Initiative, which aims to influence immigration policy.
The nine-page review makes three key points: OSF — which doles out millions to left-wing causes — has been successful at influencing global immigration policy; Europe’s refugee crisis presents “new opportunities” for the organization to influence global immigration policy; and the refugee crisis is the “new normal.”
Open Society Foundations is successfully influencing global immigration policy.
“Islamophobia” Twitter Report Funded By Soros
For years, there has been a systematic, well coordinated campaign to destroy the work, the names, the reputations of my colleagues and me.
In every news article and other press coverage concerning my work, it was as if every reporter was cutting and pasting the same libelous and defamatory smear against me.
No wonder the enemy’s reach was so overarching and far reaching. In a word – ‘money’. Lots of it, most particularly from the black hand himself, George Soros.
I have long documented the malevolent activities of Soros’s evil empire all the way back to his Nazi youth when he was confiscating the property of the Jews. Soros has said that helping the Nazis was “the happiest time of my life.”
“Islamophobia Twitter Report Funded By Soros,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, August 20, 2016:
The left-wing think tank that released a controversial report about Islamophobia on Twitter was directly funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.
Left-wing think tank Demos released a new report that conflates Islamophobia with any criticism of Islam Friday claiming that Islamophobic tweets had become so frequent that Twitter should actively engage in censorship to stop the comments. Leaked documents from the Open Society Foundation (OSF) show that George Soros’ organization funded Demos to be able to conduct research over social media platforms like Twitter.
According to the document, “List of European Elections 2014 Projects,” Demos received 129,484 dollars from Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE), the European arm of the international foundation. The description of the money claims the funds are to be used to create software to scour data on Twitter. It reads, “Demos will produce tools and techniques, like open source software, that could be used to analyze real time Twitter data, in order to allow campaigners to increase turnout of target groups. These tools will be made available online free of charge.”
Chief Executive Claudia Wood claims that the method developed by Demos could identify “hateful, derogatory, and anti-Islamic” tweets in real time, exactly the features described by the leaked Soros document. The leak also specifies that Demos received the grant from OSIFE in order that they share the software with other groups across Europe. “Demos will also train advocates and civil society groups interested in civic and political participation through a series of two-day face-to-face workshops in France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK,” the document reads.
The Demos study was criticised by National Secular Society communications officer Benjamin Jones who remarked that the methodology of the study was unsound and claiming a link between violent passages in the Koran and racism,”creates a false moral equivalence between racism and criticising a set of ideas.”
While there is no mention of Islamophobia in the Demos grant, there are several other grants listed that specifically tackle criticism of Islam. In the Netherlands OSIFE directly funded groups that claimed to be tackling Islamophobia including Spior and umbrella organization for Islamic groups in Rotterdam.
OSIFE gave the group 24,970 dollars over a period of five months in 2012 to “realize a preliminary research into the nature and principal features of islamophobia in the Netherlands, preceding the development and executing of a (periodical) monitor on islamophobia,” showing that the foundation was, at the time, keen on developing a means to monitor Islam-critical speech online. Spior received a further 100,000 dollars in 2013 to, “promote participation in the political process amongst underrepresented groups, particularly migrants, women and Muslims.”
Censorship of Muslim and migrant critical speech online has become a major issue in European countries like Germany and the UK. In Germany dozens of people have had their homes raided by police for anti-migrant comments and in the UK Muslim critical comments have led to arrests and fines. London’s first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan has also vowed to create an “Online Hate Crime Hub” to monitor so-called hate crimes.
Does someone behind the scenes want to see civil war in the United States?
WikiLeaks Revelation about Soros Strategy
Back in August, hackers from a group called DC Leaks got into the private documents of the Open Society, an organization founded by George Soros. Soros, whom DC Leaks referred to as “the architect and sponsor of almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years” is a pro-globalist billionaire who has been trying to take over the world via shadow government for decades.
Zero Hedge reported on the findings in the Soros leak:
The documents are from multiple departments of Soros’ organizations. Soros’ the Open Society Foundations seems to be the group with the most documents in the leak. Files come from sections representing almost all geographical regions in the world, from the USA, to Europe, Eurasia, Asia, Latin, America, Africa, the World Bank “the President’s Office”, as well as an unknown entity named SOUK. As the Daily Caller notes, there are documents dating from at least 2008 to 2016.
Documents in the leak range from research papers such as “EUROPEAN CRISIS: Key Developments of the Past 48 Hours” focusing on the impact of the refugee crisis, to a document titled “The Ukraine debate in Germany“, to an update specific financials of grants.
They reveal work plans, strategies, priorities and other activities by Soros, and include reports on European elections, migration and asylum in Europe.
An email leaked by WikiLeaks earlier this week showed Soros had advised Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State on how to handle unrest in Albania – advice she acted on.
As well, it’s important to note that Soros provided a whopping $33 million to activists in Ferguson, Missouri, escalating a protest to a siege. The Washington Times reported:
“…liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, not unlike what he did with
Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times.
In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations…
This is business as usual for the OSF (Open Society Foundation), as explained by director Kenneth Zimmerman:
Mr. Zimmerman said OSF has been giving to these types of groups since its inception in the early ’90s, and that, although groups involved in the protests have been recipients of Mr. Soros’ grants, they were in no way directed to protest at the behest of Open Society.
“The incidents, whether in Staten Island, Cleveland or Ferguson, were spontaneous protests — we don’t have the ability to control or dictate what others say or choose to say,” Mr. Zimmerman said. “But these circumstances focused people’s attention — and it became increasingly evident to the social justice groups involved that what a particular incident like Ferguson represents is a lack of accountability and a lack of democratic participation.”
Soros-sponsored organizations helped mobilize protests in Ferguson, building grass-roots coalitions on the ground backed by a nationwide online and social media campaign.
Other Soros-funded groups made it their job to remotely monitor and exploit anything related to the incident that they could portray as a conservative misstep, and to develop academic research and editorials to disseminate to the news media to keep the story alive.
The plethora of organizations involved not only shared Mr. Soros‘ funding, but they also fed off each other, using content and buzzwords developed by one organization on another’s website, referencing each other’s news columns and by creating a social media echo chamber of Facebook “likes” and Twitter hashtags that dominated the mainstream media and personal online newsfeeds.
Soros was busted for paying protesters to go into Ferguson and stir things up. This is not theory. It’s FACT. The Daily Mail reported that Soros spent $33 million to bankroll the protests. The Washington Times reported that it was totally cool, though, because humanitarian that he is, Soros just wanted to help the civil rights movement.
What a dude.
Of course, this seems to be a thing with the kabillionaires. The Ford Foundation and Rockefeller foundation also fund “social activism.” Which is kabillionaire code for “mess stuff up and wreak havoc.”
And guess who footed the bill for the rent-a-thug protesters at Trump rallies in California and New York? (Here’s another source, too.) You guessed it. Everyone’s favorite Hungarian-American troll.
Keep in mind that the organization Black Lives Matter was born through the Ferguson riots.
Does this look familiar?
If Soros modus operandi in these protests looks familiar, that’s because is organizing a lot of them, and MoveOn is funded by…you guessed it: George Soros. The organization was originally founded to combat the impeachment of Bill Clinton…are you seeing a link here?
Another proud instigator is the Answer Coalition which also – are you sitting down?
..Has links to Soros.
There are a lot of people who are out there because they genuinely oppose a Trump presidency. The unfortunate thing is, their opposition comes from propaganda that they passionately believe. They are acting based on misinformation and they’re being professionally manipulated.
Someone who wants to see America ripped apart is causing this division. Last summer, it was leaked that Soros attempted to destabilize Russia and depose Putin in 2012.
Putin responded by banning Soros and all of his organizations from Russia. In 2014, Putin issued an international arrest warrant for Soros.
We could certainly improve both international relationships and our current situation by extraditing Soros immediately.
It Looks Like George Soros is Funding the Trump Protests Just Like He Funded The Ferguson Riots
by Pamela Geller, all-American political activist and commentator.
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