Pablum Muslim tries to convert Canadian prisoners to islam…doesn’t work

Canadian officials have released a video (March 2015) in which Carlos Larmond (in islamic beard), who is facing terrorism charges along with his twin brother, cops his just Baklava after trying to intimidate ordinary inmates to Islam.
Carlos the Muslim cops Canadian give’r payback.
Cowtown raghead!
During the kerfuffle Islamic Carlos scored only a broken left hand and a black eye.
Defence lawyer for the prisoner Terrence Wilson who Islamic Carlos tried to convert, in his defence said that the attack happened after Carlos tried to convert Wilson to Islam several times – and when he did not budge, threatened to kill him when he resisted.
“It first started with some friendly requests for him to convert to Islam and be a soldier of Islam, and my client was having none of it. It escalated to the point where threats were starting to be made that my client would be killed in his cell if he didn’t convert. That was followed up by another threat that my client’s family would be killed by someone on the outside if he didn’t convert.”
So Terrence Wilson got sentenced to 60 days in jail for assault causing bodily harm related in the attack.
This kind of Islamic Dawah missionary activity is how Muslims come to dominate prisons in Western countries. But it’s usually better organized than this and Carlos seems to have picked the wrong men to preach the Koran’s scripture of hate to.
Islamic Carlos hasn’t been having a good time in prison. His social skills may be lacking.
Canadian federal prisons have become breeding grounds for Islamist radicalization and the government and correctional system are doing little to confront the public safety risk, experts warn.
Dr. Wagdy Loza, a psychiatry professor at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont., who has expertise in radicalized inmates, says the general profile of offenders coupled with a confined environment make prisons a potential hotbed for conversion to extremist views.
Hard data is scarce on the scope of convicted terrorists and recruitment to jihadism behind bars in Canada, but Loza said there is no denying the potential problem — and potential security risks.
“Look at what happened in [the attacks in] Paris, that is all that I have to say. It is very clear: you have people there, you don’t treat them — what do you expect?” he said in an interview with CBC News. “The problem is, if you have 10 or 15 [radicals] and put them among hundreds and then don’t treat them … one of them may cause you so much heartache. That’s terrorism.”
The issue hit the global radar after revelations that two gunmen involved in recent attacks in France are believed to have been radicalized in prison.
Cherif Kouachi, one of the brothers who massacred 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo satirical newspaper, came under the influence of Djamel Beghal, a known figure of French radical Islam, while incarcerated at the Fleury-Merogis prison. Amedy Coulibaly, who killed a policewoman and four hostages before being shot and killed by police, had also come under Beghal’s influence and met Kouachi in the same jail.
Loza has just completed a research paper calling on governments to establish effective intervention programs to prevent Islamic extremism and terrorist recruitment in Canada and other Western countries. He outlines the “disturbing” trend of Canadians joining jihadist groups and travelling abroad to fight in the name of Islam.
Deport all Muslims, demolish all mosques