Welsh Nationalists rallied in Swansea against Westminster-imposed Bedroom Tax

Saturday, 5th April 2014:
The British National Front held a local rally in the ancient Welsh city of Swansea, protesting against the Tory’s Thatcherite Bedroom Tax impost despatched from Westminster Palace.
Think Thatcher’s Poll Tax.
The Bedroom Tax was Tory PM David Cameron’s vicious measure to tax Britain’s poor, forcing thousands already living in social housing, to be financially penalised by what Tory bureaucrats arbitrarily deemed to have a “spare room” in their dwelling.
Another very nasty and oppressive Tory policy, just like Thatcher’s Poll Tax.
It has had a crippling effect on thousands of families across Britain – for many families, not having all the money to pay their rent has pushed them into greater hardship, forcing them to choose between eating and paying their bills and rent.
There simply aren’t enough smaller social homes available for everyone affected by the Bedroom Tax to be able to downsize.
The rally went ahead despite Leftist protest and leftist Labour Councillor David Phillips subversion threatening police arrests. Phillips is a corrupt Labour crony found guilty of ‘fly tipping’ (illegal waste dumping).
The usual unemployed faggot communists turned up to try to deny ordinary local folk the right of street protest, organised by Swansea Trades Council, of course.
Communist Heavy from Swansea Socialist Party doing the megaphoning
Socialist hypocrite Councillor Fiona Gordon joined in the commo-denial attack on free speech and a peaceful local democratic British rally.
Nationalists gathered outside the ruins of Swansea Castle to make their feelings known.
But the Labour council sent in police including some on horseback and the riot squad.
Last year’s rally saw 60 activists meeting at Swansea’s Museum Green outside the Waterfront Museum.
Typically, the media sided with the communists in their propaganda coverage and omissions.