Evie Amati: LGTBI Axe Attack in Sydney

Faggots, transvestites, and various LGTBI deviants number 10% of the population of Sydney, assumed to be numbering half a million. Sexually transmitted AIDS, HIV, herpes, gonorrhea are prolific and predicted mutant strains will soon become antibiotic resistant.
Hormone induced sex changes are all the rage and the deviance is being taught officially in public schools to children as young as 11 under a leftist social re-engineering scheme being rolled out around Australian schools by La Trobe University’s Safe Schools Coalition based in Melbourne.
Each to their own, may be, or may be not. Deviant sexual experimentation and synthetic hormones do wicked things.
In Sydney, former man turned transvestite, Evie Amati, formerly a punk band drummer known as Karl, took a course of hormonal drugs.
Karl decides to change his name to Evie and pays a visit to Gender Reassignment Surgeon, Dr Haertsch at Sydney Private Hospital in Ashfield.
All Karl needs do to go tranny is have two psych evaluations, get a referral from an endocrinologist, then go under the knife and spend 10 days as an in-patient. Female to male surgery apparently involves more stitches.
So Karl reads the glossy boob mag in the waiting room, makes his pick, signs up, pays the cash and goes trannie. Voilà, it walks out as ‘Evie’ with sunglasses and a bit bow-legged, taking its unwanted bits home.
Evie lives near grunge Newtown surrounded by street deviants. It starts the woman charade but can’t pick up. Weeks later it has regrets and gets depressed. “I hate normal people. I have to kill them.”
Last Friday night, it took oestrogen booster Progynova and testosterone suppressor Spractin with antidepressants for being LGTBI. It buys an axe and a hunting knife, watches the Green Room then at 2am Saturday morning goes to 7-Eleven in nearby Stanmore Road Enmore in inner Sydney, taking the axe – as you do.
Evie armed with axe walks calmly into 7-Eleven
At the counter inside the shop, Amati (24) tries to chat up a young man but he’s not interested, so she starts swinging. At random, it brings the sharp end of the axe down on Mr Rimmer’s head as he waits at the checkout to pay for a pie. Mr Rimmer collapses backwards across the shop floor.
Amati then brings the axe down on the back of the head of another customer, Ms Hacker, as she buys milk at the register. Ms Hacker collapses through the door as the woman swings the axe again at Ms Hacker and brings it down again.
Amati steps over Ms Hacker and strides out onto the bitumen parking bays attacking a third victim, Mr Redwood, before walking on down the road with the bloodied axe.
Arrested soon after, Amati is facing five charges including two of causing wounding or grievous bodily harm with intent to murder and one of attempting to cause wounding with intent to murder.
Notorious leftist faggot lawyer Charles Waterstreet is currently defending the tranny butcher. Meanwhile it sits is in custody in Silverwater Women’s Prison. Look out ladies!
Sydney barrister Charles Waterstreet likes getting vicious criminals and terrorists off
The transvestite works at the Community and Public Sector Union in Sydney’s chinese enclave of Haymarket. Nice.
It discussed composing a “coming out” email to announce her transition to work mates at the union.
In June 2012 on its Facebook page, Amati declared that it “has wanted to be a girl for a while now”. On Facebook in September 2012, she announced she would be starting hormone therapy, writing, “Today I gained approval to start hormone replacement therapy. Trans ftw! Boobs: here I come!”
Read More: The sad case of Avery Jackson, a 9 year old tranny.