Melbourne Zoo: 2018 All You Need to Know Before You Go

Journey through a world of wildlife in the heart of Melbourne. Tourism Victoria is hosting multicultural safaris in deepest darkest Melbourne, visiting some of Melbourne’s notorious out of control Negro hot spots in Vanstone’s African ghettos of Tarneit, Dandenong, Narre Warren, Pakenham, Werribee, Point Cook, Derimut, Sunshine, and Caroline Springs.
Triple that by 2018 – they’re uber-breeders
See gangs of Sudanese teens run riots through the streets of these swelling African ghettos with machetes, throwing rocks and terrorising residents.
Join live police monitoring of Snapchat and other social media to discover where the youth parties are happening around marvellous Melbourne and follow riot squads to real African carjackings, gate crashings, home invasions, and assorted riots.
Visit known African watering holes at various KFC and Maccas monkey food outlets where these gangs are known to frequent, especially at night and at the ones open 24/7. We lure them in with adverting specials on nuggets. It’s a lure sure as using fresh garfish bait to catch red snapper.
Then just sit back and wait in the shadows as the smartphone chatter escalates, they emerge from the blackness and cause mayhem. Watch how different gangs of Sudanese (south and north) in their hundreds arrive chanting.
Taylors Hill Safari
Tourists were treated to a special event last Wednesday night August 8 in the Sudanese hotspot of Taylor’s Hill in Melbourne’s north-west. Specials on nuggets at KFC in Gourlay Road Taylors Hill were advertised on Snapchat as a lure.
After a tip-off, within an hour more than 100 darkies arrived armed with all sorts of jungle paraphernalia. They scoffed down dozens of KFC Go Bucket nuggets on special that were heavily saturated in da spicy buffalo sauce. They washed down with coke and fries, and then they were all primed for chimping. Some girl winked at one of the opposing gangs. It quickly became the focus of social media attention and as a result of that two distinct groups of Africans youths met up at the KFC car park and the situation escalated rather rapidly. It was on for young and old.
Riot police are correct. At night Sudanese are hard to see and all look the same
When police arrived at Taylors Hill KFC, nuggets flew and groups of Sudanettes were cat fighting. Police quickly moved them on to buses and followed them to nearby Lonzo Park in Bronte Way where there were trees and so they felt more at home. Tensions escalated as the Sudanese lay into other Sudanese. It was going to be a good outcome either way – less Sudanese. It’s just like last month a Sudanese home invaded and stabbed another Sudanese to death, Laa Chol at a African party. The party had also been promoted on Snapchat.
Terrified residents of Taylors Hill were told to “stay inside and lock the doors” as the Public Order Response Team arrived with batons, shields and capsicum spray. Dozens of heavily armed riot and plain-clothed police blocked off main roads and diverted traffic in Taylors Hill and nearby Caroline Springs. Rocks were flying.
Some of the Afro-teens were still wearing their school uniforms when the groups gathered at a basketball court about 5.30pm and began throwing rocks. Taxi drivers were warned on Wednesday night via their in-car message boards to avoid the area “due to a riot”.
Just like Tribal Joburg
“There were massive groups,” one horrified resident reported. “They told me to stay inside, lock the doors and yeah, it’s scary,” another resident added. One resident of Bronte Way told reporters that police were roaming the area and a helicopter was flying overhead when he came home.
“This has happened multiple times … but it hasn’t happened for a good four or five months,” he said. “That’s the reason we have roller shutters now. I’m not opening the door. I was told by police to get inside before.” Another neighbour said Wednesday night’s clash was the “worst yet”.
One resident called for rubber bullets, paddy wagons and deportation orders.
The planned fight was stopped by the riot police and quickly arrived and dispersed those involved.
Victorian Police Commissioner Graham Ashton later confirmed the riot was over some girl – African of course. But it was just and excuse to terrorise the remaining White Australian residents who still risk living in the area. He said one African group was from the northern suburbs and the other was from the southern suburbs. It was just like in old multiculti Sudan. Both groups threw rocks at police, smashing car windows and taunting police shouting “police can’t touch us” were planning to clash “over a couple of girlfriends or something like that”.
And of course Labor Premier Diversity Dan Andrews has ordered Victoria Police to do nothing to Africans, else they be branded racist and instantly dismissed from the ‘service’. There is one law for Victorians and no law for Sudanese in Victoria. They are out of control.
Diversity Dan has a secret plan (another one) to rename Melbourne’s swelling Sudanese suburbs as ‘Khartoum’, ‘Juba’, ‘Omdurman’, ‘Kassala’, ‘El Obeid’, ‘Wad Madani’, ‘Wau’, ‘Yei’, and ‘El Fasher’ and to convert all their street signage into Swahili, so the Sudanese feel more at home in blackened Melbourne.
Safari tourist visiting Melbourne Zoo were able to watch the rampage all unfold from the safety of a bullet-proof safari riot truck.
The dramatic scenes come after a crime spree in Taylors Hill in January when two teenagers were attacked and two homes were broken into during a four-hour rampage in Melbourne’s western suburbs. In one incident, a 17-year-old was ambushed and hit with what appeared to be a baseball bat after refusing a demand for his belongings. The terrified teenager was then dragged along the ground before the offenders fled in a car.
No arrests were made. Why when they know the identities of the serial offenders who threw rocks during planned rampage? Police claim they are investigating the incident but as usual nothing will come of it.
Here’s another African safari to the Sudanese-only Night Cat nightclub last January in Melbourne’s inner north suburb of Fitzroy.
Harks back…
Youth at Melbourne Zoo
Vanstone’s Youth at the Zoo (VYATZ) is riot training and car jacking programme offered by Dan Andrews’ in co-operation with the South Sudanese Community Association of Victoria, the North Sudanese Community Association of Victoria. Since 80% of Sudan-born welfare seekers describe their English proficiency as ‘nil’ or ‘poor’, they get free English education at Australia taxpayer expense. Most of them arrrive via QANTAS straight from the desert and speak either Arabic, Swahili, Dinka or sign language.
Youth gang rampage sessions take place during school holidays out at Werribee Open Range Zoo, where they get to practice the art of home invasions with knives and machetes. VYATZ members are given the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge, learn from fellow Africans and work with other likeminded savages to help terrorise and fight White Australians across Melbourne.
Melbourne and other places around Australia are struggling to contain the detrimental affects of multiculturalism, with violent crime starting to reflect nations like South Africa. Most know the problem will only get worse as people from rape and pillage cultures get older and more willing to murder.
Solution is Mass Deportation of all Africans
Asylum for Sudanese has just been rendered void because last Sunday a power-sharing peace deal was signed in Khartoum between President Salva Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machar. So back you lot go!
“Come back home Sudanese!”