Julian Paul Assange – Australia’s champion for Citizens’ Free Speech exposing Governmental Injustice

True Aussie journalist, Julian Assange (52), a Far North Queensland lad from Townsville, amazingly arrived back in Australia today, Wednesday 26th June 2024. This event, out of the blue to the Australian general public followed a 15-year saga of this case. Julian was subjected to psychological torment in unjust incarceration

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In 1788, Britain colonially started civilizing a pre-Australian neolithic aboriginal culture out of barbarism, rape and pedophilia

It would take generations. Pre-1788 patriarchal Aborigines had imagined a lush Dreamtime paradise of hunter gathering – berries, seeds, barra, roos, goannas, and chasing Aboriginal women and their kids. Then the British First Fleet sailed into Port Jackson, embedded a white pole, hoisted the Union Jack and declared civilisation for

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Australia’s Catholic Cardinal guilty of covering up a pedophile protection racket

How has the ancient Roman Catholic Church not always been a globalist pedophile ring and pedo protection racket hell-bent on world domination?  Given that ancient Islam is anti-Australian decency with its female genital mutilation, pedophilia, forced marriage, halal neck slitting; then so too is the ancient Roman Catholic Church with

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Reclaiming St Kilda Beach from Negros – Australian patriots protest the imposed nigger invasion of Melbourne beaches

with AAP (Australians Against Propaganda) | It’s balmy summertime in Melbourne in Australia, but over recent months the popular bayside beachfront promenade of St Kilda Beach has been invaded by nigger criminal gangs attacking locals. Scenes like above have gone.  Melbournians are scared. Naturally, native White Australians have had enough

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Melbourne Zoo: 2018 All You Need to Know Before You Go

Journey through a world of wildlife in the heart of Melbourne.  Tourism Victoria is hosting multicultural safaris in deepest darkest Melbourne, visiting some of Melbourne’s notorious out of control Negro hot spots in Vanstone’s African ghettos of Tarneit, Dandenong, Narre Warren, Pakenham, Werribee, Point Cook, Derimut, Sunshine, and Caroline Springs. Triple

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Friggin Faruqi: White-envy racist leftard gets taxpayer propaganda gig at Australia’s national broadcaster

Pudgy bearded islamo-sandnigger, Osman Faruqi, epitomises the contemptuous ungracious deep-seated hate typicially held by offspring of Third World migrants to First World nations.  Osman is offspring to imported Pakis Omar and Mehreen Faruqi, who scammed asylum into Australia in 1992 via the Columbo Third World leg up Plan. The leftist

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Mohamed Noor shot dead White Australian veterinarian Justine Damond in her nighty..for friggen calling police

Blonde Australian woman Justine Damond (40) was engaged to a White American and happily living in affluent part of Minneapolis in America. But on the night of July 15, 2017 Justine in her home, heard a woman behind her house screaming so she rang 911 for proper police emergency response. Justine

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Nationalist success in America which the Democrat-biased ABC politically won’t publish

Nationalist President Donald Trump is truly on track to make America great again, by rejecting leftard globalism and instead by comprehensively and consistently putting America first, unconditionally. Yet in Australia on the ABC (our taxpayer-funded national broadcaster) imported chinese CEO ‘Troughwoman’ relentlessly dishes out anti-Trump hate, Democrat fake news. Our

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Albino Aboriginal Tarneen Onus-Williams blatantly incites anti-Australian hate

Anyone downunder who hates Australia ought to follow Jeff Kennett’s advice “buy a one-way plane ticket.” ‘Baudeclaire and Milton‘?  – inferences the Black Devil Incarnate ‘Tarneen da Hateful’..presumed ‘LGBTTQQFAGPEDOBDSM+ ‘ Best to Run! Kooree Youth Council leader Tarneen Onus-Williams (no Aboriginal name) on Australia Day January 26 2018, stomped in

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Australian Homestay and granny flat slum network for backdoor migrants

Wanna bit of sly cash on the side?  Put that backyard shed to good use.  Slap on a coat of paint, go down to Vinnies and pick up some cheap second-hand mattresses, then phone Australian Homestay Network and tell ’em you’re open for business!  You’ve got cheap lodging for a

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South Australia should just go nuclear, it’s a no brainer

If Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull wants a legacy of being a real “game changer” he should solve South Australia’s energy problems by having federal government owned and controlled nuclear power plants built, and paid for out of lucrative revenues drawn from world demand of nuclear waste storage in South

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Australia starts deporting Apex Gang niggers terrorizing Melbourne

‘The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Nigger Evil is that Good White Men Do Nothing’.   Just four Apex Machete Gang niggers are to be deported from Melbourne back to the barbaric Third World from whence they came.  One is Sudanese and three are Pacific Islanders who smuggled themselves

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Tarneit McDonalds in Melbourne a nugget magnet for 150 rioting niggers

Last Sunday night around 9.30pm in Melbourne’s nouveau refugee ghetto of Tarneit (north of Werribee) a pure Sudanese gang numbering more than 150 massed outside McDonalds on Derrimut Road for a junk food fix.  But it quickly descended into a monkey brawl over McNuggets. Just another negro race riot for

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Bridget Harilaou attacks Australia’s Parliament in Canberra

Bridget Harilaou is the squealing feral piglet caught illegally in Australia’s Parliament in Canberra, shrieking out a drug-induced toddler tantrum that got televised across the nation for the nightly news on November 30, 2016. Bridget Harilaou arrested for illegal trespass in Parliament and suspected of being influenced by ICE (methamphetamine)

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