Julian Paul Assange – Australia’s champion for Citizens’ Free Speech exposing Governmental Injustice

True Aussie journalist, Julian Assange (52), a Far North Queensland lad from Townsville, amazingly arrived back in Australia today, Wednesday 26th June 2024.

This event, out of the blue to the Australian general public followed a 15-year saga of this case. Julian was subjected to psychological torment in unjust incarceration throughout that time.  It had been ordered by an embarrassed United Stated C.I.A. and its various sub-departments that had committed evil.

Julian became world-wise about goings on, and early on, he chose to challenge those wrongs communicated to Wikileaks by various military and journalist witnesses during in the war zones.

Julian used his innate technical skills to facilitate and publish the received war crimes truths, with considerable deep support from his moral Wikileaks team.

Fearlessly, Assange was aware of the risks against this global Goliath, yet with moral courage took on the challenge that truth would publicly expose the evil wrongs being committed out of public view.

His was just grassroots journalism about shocking accounts he had received digitally from others in the military that he felt compelled to transmit to the general public to reveal the truth about what was really going on – to citizens and voters.

But the all-powerful Goliath the C.I.A., embarrassed about being exposed about its criminality, encouraged/intimidated the U.S political regime(s) to pressure its kowtowing ally, the United Kingdom about Assange’s mere publicising of the ongoing CIA’s evil mass murders afflicted in the US Wars in Afghanistan and Iran.

In this evil complicity, the known U.S. Government commander in chief at the time – Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, amongst other co-conspirators need to be held responsible and accountable.




This is an exposé of the abject abuse of absolute power of those in government.

It is also an exposé of the disturbing trend of so-called democratic national governments  to hold no moral qualms of the evil powerful whims of dictatorships like the enemy nations that the United States fears.

That fear exists within the USA.

Australian Julian Assange’s sudden release from presumed long-term custody was political Labor machinations – by former Oz PM Kevin Rudd as as Oz Ambassador on board there all the way with his off-sider high highfalutin Stephen Smith London to Canberra and back. – both demanding fugitive Assange reimburse the $800,000 private jet fee.

Free polly ride for polly hangers on or what?

Timely clearly. So who’s coming up for re-election ?  Airbus Albo!

An appeal to Aussie sentiment?  We didn’t come down in the last rain shower.

History Repeats:

Legendary Australian rock band Cold Chisel’s protest song ‘Star Hotel’ from their 1980 album East 

Read the lyrics.  Welcome home Julian. Swim daily.

“All last night we were learning
Drank our cheques by the bar
Somewhere bridges were burning
As the walls came down at the Star
Squadcars fanned the insanity
News teams fought through the crowd
Spent last night under custody
And the sun found me
And the sun found me
And the sun found me on the road
At the Star Hotel
At the Star Hotel
At the Star Hotel
At the Star Hotel
They better listen cause we’re ringin’ a bell
Ain’t no deals, we got nothing to sell
Just a taste of things to come at the Star Hotel
(Here lies a local culture
Most nights were good, some were bad
Between school and a shifting future
It was most of all we had)
Those in charge getting crazier
Job queues grow through the land
An uncontrolled youth in Asia
Are gonna make those fools understand
An uncontrolled youth in Asia
Are gonna make those fools
Gonna make those fools
Gonna make those fools understand
At the Star Hotel
At the Star Hotel
At the Star Hotel
At the Star Hotel
At the Star Hotel
At the Star Hotel
They better listen cause we’re ringin’ a bell
Ain’t no deals, we got nothing to sell
Just a taste of things to come
At the Star Hotel.”

…Played LIVE by the Chisels at Manley Vale in 1980…


This is Australia History as it happens – but Labor censored teaching denies it.

So, History is set to repeat same.

