Julian Paul Assange – Australia’s champion for Citizens’ Free Speech exposing Governmental Injustice

True Aussie journalist, Julian Assange (52), a Far North Queensland lad from Townsville, amazingly arrived back in Australia today, Wednesday 26th June 2024. This event, out of the blue to the Australian general public followed a 15-year saga of this case. Julian was subjected to psychological torment in unjust incarceration

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Farewell Address of President Donald J. Trump

On January 20, 2021, American President Donald J. Trump delivered the final public speech of his first administration, as follows: THE PRESIDENT: My fellow Americans: Four years ago, we launched a great national effort to rebuild our country, to renew its spirit, and to restore the allegiance of this government to

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Yellow Supremacist threatens Australia with China War propaganda

So China’s commo self-anointed dictator Chairman Xi dispatches his top bullshit artist to threaten Australia’s independence?   Confucius Professor Wang Yiwei…likes winners. But China imperialists are no different to Japanese types. Yellow Supremacists can bugger off! Anglo Australia retains enduring cultural and strategically entrusted ties with Anglo America. The Anglo-sphere strategic

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Brexiteer Boris Johnson as PM is the hope of the side for Absolute Brexit

British Conservative MP Boris Johnson (55) has won the UK’s Conservative Party leadership contest in a ballot of party members and will become the next UK prime minister. Conservative party votes for Johnson doubled his rival Jeremy Hunt, winning 92,153 votes to his Hunt’s 46,656.  Turnout was 87.4% with Johnson

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16 Strands for an Harmonious Brexit

Strand 1: Brexit must be implemented by UK Government as Promised. By a narrow margin, a majority of citizens of the United Kingdom at their democratic request, voted on 23rd June 2016 for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union (EU) under the provisions of the European Union Referendum

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Foreign Minister Boris Johnson resigns to preserve British hope of independence

Boris Johnson has resigned as Britain’s foreign minister, saying he can’t support a Brexit strategy that has been suffocated by “needless self-doubt” when it should be about “opportunity and hope”. His decision to walk followed that of Brexit minister David Davis, leading to open speculation about whether Prime Minister Theresa

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PM Theresa May’s Mansion House Brexit Speech of 2nd March 2018

Here is the full text of Theresa May’s Mansion House Speech of 2nd March 2018 setting out her vision for the UK’s relationship with the EU after Brexit.  It follows from her Brexit Speech at Lancaster House on 17th January 2017 which is reproduced via the following link: PM Theresa

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Infidel President Trump secures Jerusalem from Muslims in this the Thirteenth Crusade

Imperialist Islam and its hateful terrorism and attacks on Western Civilization has had it coming. Yesterday, American President Donald Trump, leader of the free world, finally has acknowledged the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.   President Trump has ordered the State Department to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to

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Koreans predisposed to suicide – Best First World let ’em

Message for Trump: Third World Korean culture is pre-disposed to suicide. So let ’em.  Trump, don’t waste your effort propping up Neanderthals – withdraw your citizens and let the Korean peninsula annihilate itself.  Stone Age to Stone Age is a net gain for the bothered distant First World. Our civilized

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U.S. President Trump’s Warsaw Speech in defence of Civilization

U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the people of Poland in front of the Warsaw Uprising Monument at Krasiński Square in Warsaw, Poland on July 6, 2017. Trumps asks if the West has the will to survive. If you doubted Donald Trump has what it takes to make America great again,

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South Australia should just go nuclear, it’s a no brainer

If Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull wants a legacy of being a real “game changer” he should solve South Australia’s energy problems by having federal government owned and controlled nuclear power plants built, and paid for out of lucrative revenues drawn from world demand of nuclear waste storage in South

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