Roma Gypsies out of Britain now, deport them back to Romania

Britain has been flooded by an estimated 200,000 Roma Gypsies who have illegally entered the country from Romania (and neighbouring Bulgaria). They need to go back.
Up until quite recently, the Cameron Government has downplayed and lied publicly about the scale of the insipid influx, so allowing the Roma problem to manifest so that now Britain has become a breeding Roma hotspot of Western Europe.
The illegal Roma migrant problem started manifesting in 2004 when the communist aligned European Union let Slovakia and the Czech Republic join the European Union. Imagine if Turkey joins! It may as well let Africa’s billion join too. Vultures to a corpse.
Some 12 million Roma have decided they don’t like their homeland in Romania, so they squat and leech on the rest of Europe, living off welfare and the proceeds of petty crime, without paying taxes. And they wonder why Roma Gypsies have earned a bad reputation?
Back in 2009, a study estimate about 50,000 illegal Roma in the British Isles. By 2013 that figure has swollen to an estimated 190,000, mostly across selected ghetto slum camps in England (some 183,000); with about 3,000 in Scotland, 850 in Wales, 500 in Northern Ireland and 1,700 in Ireland.
Local councils across Britain have become overwhelmed by the problem and cost burden of flooding Roma squat gypsy camps. The trends show the Roma cancer has metastasised across London and up at Yorkshire and Humber and in the Page Hall area of Sheffield.
‘Birds of a feather flock together’.
There are no myths about excessive persecution of the Roma. The concocted term “antiziganism’ is a made up propaganda complete with its own ficticious Wiki story. They are invaders and locals have a right to protest and reject them. No myth. Fact.
In October 2013, Roma Gypsies were discovered in Dublin with an abducted seven year old girl – a blue-eyed, blonde haired girl, that the gypsies. Roma DNA is not blue-eyed and blonde haired.
Garda Police say an unemployed Roma illegals who claim they are the girl’s parents told police the girl was born in the city’s Coombe hospital in April 2006. However, the hospital has no record of the child being born on the date mentioned.
A birth certificate produced by the couple was deemed to be inconclusive, as was a passport, which contained a picture of a baby that could not be matched to the seven-year-old girl. The name supplied by the Roma family was different from records held by a register office.
The two unmarried and fake Roma ‘parents’, Ms Eleftheria Dimopoulou (40) and Mr Hristos Salis (39) from the Romanian city of Craiova, say the girl’s name is Maria.
Birds of a feather?
Police and social workers removed the girl from her two-storey pebble-dashed home in the suburb of Tallaght, using powers under the Child Care Act. Both are being charged with abducting a minor and holding false papers. Firearms and drugs were also seized from the ilegal gypsie slum camp.
How many other British children have been stolen by the Roma Gypsies? Could this be the tip of the iceberg of a child abduction ring, like the other blonde girl in Greece?
Governments of the British Isles represent the rights and sovereignty of the British peoples, not outsiders. Any government’s first responsibility must be to the people who elected it. Roma Gypsies in their massive numbers are illegal invaders unwelcome by the British peoples. Illegal migration is what it is. Illegal migration is a violation of the human rights of the indigenous population that is the British.
The Cameron Government should follow France’s lead from 2010 and deport illegal Roma Gypsies from their ghetto slum camps back to Romania and Bulgaria respectively.
It is the United Nation’s charter of responsibility to address poverty within countries like Romania, not to manifest the problem elsewhere.
In 2010, France deported hundreds of illegal Roma gypsies under a ‘voluntary return procedure’ paying them the equivalent of £250 each to leave the country.
Roma illegals at Lyon–Saint-Exupéry Airport in Paris ready and happy to be flown back to their home country of Romania.
Birds of a Feather – fly back home to Romania