Counter-Islam movement growing in Britain against the invading and breeding 3 million muslims

Britain since globalist PM Tony Blair‘s treacherous mass invasion edict, has allowed the muslim population grow to 3 million, representing one in 20 people across Britain in 2016! Across Great Britain, the latest total is more than 3.1 million, with half born overseas,so the bastard scumj are still flying in

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Secret report warned of migration meltdown in Britain

Britain 2006:  “A massive rise in immigration next year could trigger a devastating crisis in Britain’s schools, housing and welfare services”, according to a leaked secret Government report. The document reveals that every Government department has been ordered to draw up multi-million-pound emergency plans after being told public services face

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Mass immigration and foreigners pushing British citizens’ NHS healthcare system to crisis of neglect

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) exists for the comprehensive healthcare of Britons, but ever since it was introduced by the socialist spendthrift Labor Party back in 1948, the promised ‘King’s Fund’ for sick Brits has been underfunded. Welfarism utopia costs a lot.  Indeed, comprehensive welfarism for ‘all and sundry’ demands

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Islamization of Britain: Britons resorting to Vigilante Justice

Brits are resorting Vigilante Justice under the onslaught of imposed mass immigration, particularly from the barbaric Third World. Unless security measures are stepped up to counter the “vulnerability and fear” that people feel in the wake of the barbaric terrorism in Woolwich, Paris, Brussels and Nice – a former head

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Immigration Street – local Brits swamped by barbaric Third Worlder hate

Wanna reason to deport barbaric hateful Third World swamping your traditional neighbourhood? Watch this…invaded Derby Road in Southampton, England.  30 friggen nationalities! If the BBC has censored the watching of its programme, then try the following link options:   More related videos:    

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