Nationalist solidarity across the Atlantic

British patriotic nationalist group Britain First is growing in popularity across mainstream Britain, especially in the densely invaded Third World immigrant cities of London, Birmingham and Manchester.
But the Left is cracking down on free speech expressed by concerned patriots about the growing takeover by invading Islam inciting racial hatred and sowing division. Britain is becoming increasingly Sharia-compliant and appeasing. Britain First recognises that white Christian civilization is under threat from invading totalitarian muslims.
Both Britain First leader Paul Golding (35) and deputy leader of the group Jayda Fransen (31) are currently facing prosecution for alleged religiously aggravated harassment and a separate trial for using threatening and abusive language in Canterbury and Ramsgate, Kent last May. Ms Fransen was charged with harassing a muslim, after she showed up outside the former house of a Muslim man who had been charged in the rape of a teenager.
Ms Fransen is set to appear in court in Northern Ireland in December charged with using threatening and abusive language in connection with a speech she made at an anti-terrorism demonstration in Belfast back on 6th August 2017.
The prosecution is only possible due to Tony Blair’s leftist Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 which is designed to censor and silence Britons from speaking out against invading Third World immigrants, especially muslims. The law bans free speech and needs to be repealed.
Yet the globalist Leftard establishment that is the Tory Conservatives (the Right) and Labour Party (the Left) and Liberal Democrats (the Left) and the BBC (Leftist propaganda unit) turn a blind eye to the evils committed by the invading and breeding muslims are doing in Britain:
- Hate Preaching
- Radical Muslims Extremists
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Muslim Grooming Gangs
- Muslim Pedophilia and Polygamy
- Burqa Sexism
Dudley in outer west Birmingham, faces another possible flashpoint after a second far-right group announced plans to march against a new mosque in the town.
On 9th May 2017, Britain First held a “disciplined but spectacular” rally and march through Dudley to protest against the proposed mosque and to highlight the evils of Islam. This is Ms Fransen’s speech to the gathered British crowd.
Fransen has previously been convicted of religiously aggravated harassment in Luton after she accosted Sumayyah Sharpe, a muslim immigrant woman in a hijab. The ragged one claims to be a British Muslim, which Fransen pointed out was contradictory. France rightly bans such Muslim impost. But Ms. Fransen was convicted of “religiously aggravated harassment” and fined 2,000 pounds under Britain’s anti-White laws.
Fransen told the muslim that muslim men force women to cover up to avoid rape ‘because they cannot control their barbaric sexual urges.’
Britain First emerged in 2011 as an activist offshoot of the nationalist British National Party that was led by Nick Griffin from 1999 to 2014. Many nationalists within the BNP had grown frustrated by the BNP’s corruption, stagnation, electoral nonperformance , financial shenanigans by Griffin and Griffin’s abandonment of Britain for the European Parliament.
Britain First is a nationalist party and defensive street movement growing in popularity. It cares not that it is labelled by the globalist totalitarian Left by constructed slurs like ‘islamophobic’, ‘racist’, and ‘xenophobic’. That they are annoying the Left is a badge of honour.
The more that muslims unwelcome in Britain are threatened ,abusive and insulted the better. Some overenthusiastic patriots have even begun running down muslims as payback.
Ms Fransen has appealed to nationalist American President Donald Trump. She said:
“On behalf of myself and every citizen of Britain and for every man and women who has fought and died for us to have freedom of speech, I am appealing to you for your help. ‘I’m appealing for your intervention before I am thrown in gaol.”
And Ms Fransen was ‘delighted’ that the President had retweeted her messages to his followers. The tweets showed graphic unprovoked violence committed by muslims and their extreme terrorism.
Mr Golding has since announced gaining hundreds of new membership applications after the US President forwarded three messages to his 44 million followers.
Mr Trump has criticised Tory PM Theresa May by saying she should concentrate on ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism taking place in the UK’.
Of course the bully Left has sought to ban Trump’s visit to Britain. The muslim Mayor of London renewed his call to cancel the President’s planned state visit to Britain.
Listen to Britain First leader’s Paul Golding respond to BBC Sunday Politics bully host Andrew Neil in 2014. Neil accuses Golding of wrongful actions yet denies Golding a right of reply – typical leftard shutting down of anyone they disagree with.
Neil was fired from the BBC in August 2017.
Britain for the British!