Julian Paul Assange – Australia’s champion for Citizens’ Free Speech exposing Governmental Injustice

True Aussie journalist, Julian Assange (52), a Far North Queensland lad from Townsville, amazingly arrived back in Australia today, Wednesday 26th June 2024. This event, out of the blue to the Australian general public followed a 15-year saga of this case. Julian was subjected to psychological torment in unjust incarceration

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Yellow Supremacist threatens Australia with China War propaganda

So China’s commo self-anointed dictator Chairman Xi dispatches his top bullshit artist to threaten Australia’s independence?   Confucius Professor Wang Yiwei…likes winners. But China imperialists are no different to Japanese types. Yellow Supremacists can bugger off! Anglo Australia retains enduring cultural and strategically entrusted ties with Anglo America. The Anglo-sphere strategic

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President Trump Goes to Border to Speak Out Against Mounting Shithole Invasion

*Wherein meme says “wall,” meme therefore indicates “artistically designed steel slats.”   This is good. Keep the focus on this, keep the pressure up. Associated Press: U.S. President Donald Trump is taking the shutdown battle to the U.S.-Mexico border, seeking to bolster his case for the border wall after negotiations

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Reclaiming St Kilda Beach from Negros – Australian patriots protest the imposed nigger invasion of Melbourne beaches

with AAP (Australians Against Propaganda) | It’s balmy summertime in Melbourne in Australia, but over recent months the popular bayside beachfront promenade of St Kilda Beach has been invaded by nigger criminal gangs attacking locals. Scenes like above have gone.  Melbournians are scared. Naturally, native White Australians have had enough

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Foreign Minister Boris Johnson resigns to preserve British hope of independence

Boris Johnson has resigned as Britain’s foreign minister, saying he can’t support a Brexit strategy that has been suffocated by “needless self-doubt” when it should be about “opportunity and hope”. His decision to walk followed that of Brexit minister David Davis, leading to open speculation about whether Prime Minister Theresa

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Daily Pro White Activism

We all play a role in the advancement or failure of our race. As decent White civilised society, to help further the advancement of our people and secure a future for White Children, some guidelines:   1. Slowly wean back on the amount of media you are exposed to (TV,

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What is Racism?

“There is surely no nation in the world that holds “racism” in greater horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press and public have become so used to tales of murder, rape, robbery, and arson, that

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Di Natali backs negro genocide of White South African farmers

Anarcho-Greens Godfather Richard di Natali has revealed his racism against Whites this month.  The Greens Supremacist is not just against White Australians which he despises as having ‘white privilege’.  He’s hatefully against any more Whites being invited into Australia. Why?  There not Third World, they don’t breed like African fire

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Nationalist solidarity across the Atlantic

British patriotic nationalist group Britain First is growing in popularity across mainstream Britain, especially in the densely invaded Third World immigrant cities of London, Birmingham and Manchester. But the Left is cracking down on free speech expressed by concerned patriots about the growing takeover by invading Islam inciting racial hatred

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U.S. President Trump’s Warsaw Speech in defence of Civilization

U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the people of Poland in front of the Warsaw Uprising Monument at Krasiński Square in Warsaw, Poland on July 6, 2017. Trumps asks if the West has the will to survive. If you doubted Donald Trump has what it takes to make America great again,

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Brexit Easy Peasy

It took long enough; but today, 44 years after the United Kingdom joined the European Union, Britain has told the EU bully where to go.  Easy Peasy! Brexit is a victory for national self-determination, for democracy, for UK independence and Economic Nationalism.  It is a wonderful historic day for the

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Australia starts deporting Apex Gang niggers terrorizing Melbourne

‘The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Nigger Evil is that Good White Men Do Nothing’.   Just four Apex Machete Gang niggers are to be deported from Melbourne back to the barbaric Third World from whence they came.  One is Sudanese and three are Pacific Islanders who smuggled themselves

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Ulster’s maturity for independence? ..reflecting on some recent attempts

On 30th January 1972 during winter in the poverty stricken and persecuted Bogside area of Derry in Northern Ireland, a peaceful protest had been organised by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association and the Northern Resistance Movement against British military rule and oppression. British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians during

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March for England against the Muslim Invasion – bring on Muslim Auto-Deportation, Dissolution of the Mosques

Islam is a ideological cult that advocates barbaric attitudes, practices and behaviours which are contrary to British Laws.  It is not a religion. Charity status for Islam must end.  Sharia and Islamic Finance must be banned. All Muslims need to be expelled from Britain.  Starting in England where the islamic

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Fairfax County, Virginia keeping the looting niggers out

Locals sending roaming nigger looters a message to stay out of White American neighbourhoods. Every time some criminal negro pulls a gun on police and police rightly respond, kneejerk niggers get all offended as if black lives matter.  Then just as night follow day, just as niggers leave school and

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Counter-Islam movement growing in Britain against the invading and breeding 3 million muslims

Britain since globalist PM Tony Blair‘s treacherous mass invasion edict, has allowed the muslim population grow to 3 million, representing one in 20 people across Britain in 2016! Across Great Britain, the latest total is more than 3.1 million, with half born overseas,so the bastard scumj are still flying in

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Secret report warned of migration meltdown in Britain

Britain 2006:  “A massive rise in immigration next year could trigger a devastating crisis in Britain’s schools, housing and welfare services”, according to a leaked secret Government report. The document reveals that every Government department has been ordered to draw up multi-million-pound emergency plans after being told public services face

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Democrat totalitarian left demonise Confederate Flag of White American Heritage

America’s Confederate Flag has of late become a potent symbol of free speech for White Americans. Every time it is flown, African migrant minorities crack a hissy fit crying to populist politicians who subserviently punish patriotic Whites. It is a totalitarian leftard attack against democratic free speech and hard-fought liberties

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