Reclaiming St Kilda Beach from Negros – Australian patriots protest the imposed nigger invasion of Melbourne beaches

with AAP (Australians Against Propaganda)
It’s balmy summertime in Melbourne in Australia, but over recent months the popular bayside beachfront promenade of St Kilda Beach has been invaded by nigger criminal gangs attacking locals.
Scenes like above have gone. Melbournians are scared.
Naturally, native White Australians have had enough such as their women folk on the beach and foreshore being harrassed, intimidate and worse.
Reclaim St Kilda!
Yesterday, hundreds of White native Aussie patriots carrying Australian flags at a beachside rally proclaimed that Australians should “take back the beach” at St Kilda.
The call is to ban niggers from St Kilda. Indeed, many Melburnians insist on the deportation of the 10,000+ niggers from Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, and the like (including their offspring). None of the welfare seeking scum have recognised Australian values and standards, nor embraced host Australia, nor contributed to Australia, nor assimilated. It’s all been take, take, take and up yours.
Ordinary Aussies were offered no say on Canberra’s imposed mass nigger invasion on their neighbourhood, community, city and nation.
White Patriotic Response to Nigger Gangs
The rally, billed by some as Cronulla Riots 2019, actually had comparisons. The rally was organised in response to a number of brutal attacks by nigger gangs in the St Kilda area in recent months. Also, police side with the attackers.
On the St Kilda promenade, Tuesday night December 1 2018 just before midnight, about ten male Sudanese niggers unprovoked brutally and senselessly bashed two White men unconscious with vicious kicks to their heads. (it’s learned chimp behaviour and the nigger brain has not progressed). A third victim suffered a broken nose and facial bruises.
The nigger gang’s victims were White and outnumbered. It was for kicks to mug for a mobile phone and wallet. It was dark nigger hunt time, just like in tribal Africa.
Melbourne Detective Senior Constable Nathan Sheppard said the attack was “brutal” and “senseless.” He said the initial attack was carried out by up to 10 youths, who appear to have picked their targets at random.
The niggers were identified in CCTV.
The victims had tried to defuse the situation and walk away. But the violence continued and the offending group doubled in size, outnumbering the victims.
The niggers picked through the unconscious men’s pockets, stealing phones and wallets as they lay motionless on the ground.
No arrest have yet been made. It is Victoria Police multiculti policy to excuse non-Whites because they are African civil war tramatised.
Reclaim St Kilda Rally
So yesterday’s Aussie protest was led by stalwart reclaim activists Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson, representing Ordinary Australians, the Australian nativist patriotic groups included United Patriots Front, Soldiers of Odin, True Blue Crew, Reclaim Australia supporters and various Australian supporters and vigilantes.
We presume it was some nigger spy
For patriotism means “love of country” and it’s all about national pride, respect for one’s ancestors, the fallen in war to defend the nation and way of life now enjoyed by native offspring.
There were no niggers in sight. Typically they only turn up when there are vulnerable old women, girls and it is dark as the niggers are, so they can’t be seen.
An Aussie at the patriot rally shouted to the amassed crowd of supporters: “It’s time to take back our beach. look how many of us there are”.
Cottrell exposed the Victorian Labor socialist government and media, which he said were working together like “a Communist state”. “I’ll be uniting with Australian workers … on St Kilda Beach and every Australian patriot I know will be there with me. Rise without fear.”
Erikson told the media that the “problem is the minorities”. He said Africans are “raping and pillaging” and that multiculturalism had failed in Australia. Erikson admitted he was disappointed that members of the African community in Melbourne did not turn up to the rally. “We’re here, they’re not here,” he said. “It shows you the cowardice among that community.”
Erikson’s supporters carried placards that read: “Politicians flooding communities with immigrants does not integrate them into society” and “Tip of the iceberg — Sudanese crime not policed is tenfold”.
Mr Erikson, along with co-organiser Blair Cottrell, was found guilty of inciting serious contempt of Muslims in 2017, after staging a mock beheading to protest against the building of a massive mosque in Bendigo in central Victoria.
The Aussie patriot rally was peaceful enough, save for the usual ring-in suspects leftist/unionists/anarchist unemployed with face coverings and corralled by 500 police. To be expected, leftist extremists of the Labor-Greens Left – Tanya Plibersek, Sarah Hanson Young and Bill Shorten sided with the violent Antifa counter protesters.
But then these three share a joint White Hate policy of annually inviting 100,000 nigger migrants to invade Melbourne and Sydney if they get elected to national goverment in 2019.
Among those attending was Australian Senator Fraser Anning who called for Australia to return to its European Christian immigration system during his parliamentary maiden speech.
Anning addressed the patriotic crowd, saying he had a gutful of the “garbage like these Sudanese thugs”. Representing is Queensland constituents, Anning explained to the crowd that crimes in urban Queensland were also being committed by “African gangs”.
“A lot of them are very concerned about what is happening in Melbourne because now it is spreading to Queensland. We’re having these Sudanese gangs belting people up and robbing old ladies and things like that here in Queensland. A lot of that is as a result that nothing has been done to the people down there (in Melbourne).
He pointed out the fake news media lies about the rally, that “the only people who were doing Nazi salutes were the far-left extremists. I didn’t see any people there who appeared to be radicals. There were no skinheads, just ordinary working people who’d had enough. I spoke to a diverse range of people including Vietnamese shopkeepers who were there because they were sick of being victims of these gangs. Yet they are being portrayed as ‘far right extremists’ — I don’t think so!”
PC Blindness
St Kilda (Port Phillip) Mayor Dick Gross said scenes like the one on Saturday would not define the suburb. “These incidents will always and legitimately make headlines — this is can example of racial hatred that will inevitably attract headlines, but it will not define St Kilda,” he said. “Bring back the niggers! We love their couscous, knives and head kicking!”
Misnomer Mayor Dick is a screaming faggot
Australia’s temporary Liberal Prime Minister Scott Morrison blindly and treacherously stated to the national media: “Australia is the most successful migrant country in the world. This has been achieved by showing respect for each other, our laws and values and maintaining sensible immigration policies. Let’s keep it that way, it makes Australia stronger.”
Tel the Africans that, and don’t give them special treatment. Just deport offenders. Else the clock is ticking and mass lynching for niggers in Melbourne are nigh.
Federal Race Discrimination Commissioner Chin Tan said later there was no place in Australia for the “apparent racist” rally. “Activities that target a community based on their race or ethnicity are unacceptable and have no place in a cohesive, multicultural Australia. Niggers who wanna mug Whites well that’s outside my brief.”
It hard to enjoy decent traditional fish and chips staple along Melbourne’s bayside these days.
Instead nigger jungle gruel is muscling in..
Like HIV bushmeat, couscous and fava beans diarrhoead with a nice Chianti