Rise of Trump American Nationalism a comeback by locals to job-killing globalization

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxk5hf4prMQ   Since he started campaigning for US presidency, Donald Trump has attacked U.S. trade policies that he said have encouraged globalization and wiped out American manufacturing jobs. All-American Trump is the change agent who would bring back manufacturing jobs and end the “rigged system,” which Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton

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Clinton desperate in first debate – smear, lies, skeletons, excuses, race, gender, class divide, else more of the same

Trump won on honesty over Clinton in the first US presidential debate last night. Clinton’s opening spiel sounded rehearsed, but then as the questions and responses came, she was on the back foot with excuses. So she let rip with her bag of smear – lies, skeletons, excuses, race, gender,

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