Democrat Leftards chimping in denial of voters demanding American Nationalism

When Democrat loser Hillary Clinton finally recovered from her latest seizure to address her globalist brethren, she was already history. Her Democrat leftards blindly ignore her disgraceful legacy of failures: Gave Russia a reset button which reset cold war, Lack of a coherent plan to address the Arab Spring, Deteriorating

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Rise of Trump American Nationalism a comeback by locals to job-killing globalization   Since he started campaigning for US presidency, Donald Trump has attacked U.S. trade policies that he said have encouraged globalization and wiped out American manufacturing jobs. All-American Trump is the change agent who would bring back manufacturing jobs and end the “rigged system,” which Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton

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Julian Assange warts and all on Clinton, Goldman Sachs, the Saudis and Trump

5th Nov, 2016:  Australian journalist and documentary maker John Pilger interviews Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder. Assange gives one of his most incendiary interviews ever, courtesy of Dartmouth Films, in which he summarizes what can be gleaned from the tens of thousands of the notorious Clinton Emails released by WikiLeaks this

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Fatma Samoura: FIFA’s Poppy-ignorant Third World boss couldn’t run a bath

FIFA’s Secretary General Fatma Samoura has ignorantly imposed a Remembrance Poppy ban on England and Scotland World Cup players. Last year the autocratic and corrupted Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) replaced its corrupt and disgraced secretary general, globalist Sepp Blatter, only for a token African globalist Fatma Samba Diouf

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Ten Reasons Why Repatriation of Blacks is a Good Idea

ONE: We pay them trillions in tribute and receive nothing in return but violent ingratitude — and demands for more. Whether it’s Watts, Harlem, Detroit, Seattle, or Cincinnati, blacks repay White tax slavery with murder and rapine. TWO: Thomas Jefferson supported it. “The two races, equally free, cannot live in

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Back to Africa Movement Revival

  US President Abraham Lincoln thought colonization could resolve the issue of slavery.    ‘For much of his career, Lincoln believed that colonization—or the idea that a majority of the Africans in America should leave and settle in back in Africa —was the best way to confront the problem of slavery.

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Clinton desperate in first debate – smear, lies, skeletons, excuses, race, gender, class divide, else more of the same

Trump won on honesty over Clinton in the first US presidential debate last night. Clinton’s opening spiel sounded rehearsed, but then as the questions and responses came, she was on the back foot with excuses. So she let rip with her bag of smear – lies, skeletons, excuses, race, gender,

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Nigger Riot in civilised White American Charlotte

African negros roaming White America think they have a right to White Welfare and a right to White Firearms. They wonder why they are shot when they point a stolen handgun at police and get shot. But niggers are slow, so they riot and loot instead, just like in Charlotte, NC. 

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Australia Angloceltic trade with Britain makes sense over EU globalism

Angloceltic birds of a feather… Anglo traditionalists Australia and Britain are set to establish the first bilateral Trade Working Group since Brexit, commencing early 2017. The purpose of being ready to fast-track free trade negotiations once Britain formally leaves the European Union. The announcement was made following talks in London

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