Ulster’s First Minister Arlene Foster misguided about enticing chinese imperialism to Belfast

What is Ulster’s First Minister, Arlene Foster, doing tripping off on a four-day junket to China to sellout Ulster and entice cheap imports and mass immigration? First Minister Arlene Foster doing secret deals with China’s powerful Madame Liu Yandong   “The visit to China by Arlene Foster now aims to

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Bridget Harilaou attacks Australia’s Parliament in Canberra

Bridget Harilaou is the squealing feral piglet caught illegally in Australia’s Parliament in Canberra, shrieking out a drug-induced toddler tantrum that got televised across the nation for the nightly news on November 30, 2016. Bridget Harilaou arrested for illegal trespass in Parliament and suspected of being influenced by ICE (methamphetamine)

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KFC under leftard intimidation to convert to minority chicken to preserve its brand

In the latest post-election hissy fit, lamenting Democrat leftards have been reported targeting Kentucky Fried Chicken stores for not being minority friendly and for backing Trump after he was falsely accused of getting stuck into an all-American burger. During the 2016 American election campaign, KFC had apparently declared its support

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Ten Reasons Why Repatriation of Blacks is a Good Idea

ONE: We pay them trillions in tribute and receive nothing in return but violent ingratitude — and demands for more. Whether it’s Watts, Harlem, Detroit, Seattle, or Cincinnati, blacks repay White tax slavery with murder and rapine. TWO: Thomas Jefferson supported it. “The two races, equally free, cannot live in

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Back to Africa Movement Revival

  US President Abraham Lincoln thought colonization could resolve the issue of slavery.    ‘For much of his career, Lincoln believed that colonization—or the idea that a majority of the Africans in America should leave and settle in back in Africa —was the best way to confront the problem of slavery.

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