Aboriginal Domestic Violence Chronic in White Australia

A white black, Melissa Dinnison (below), claims the above cartoons are offensive. The oxymoronic leftard living in Germany needs to get out more, like in Derby, Western Australia…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ew7f4eE–yw Brainless Type 2 Blubbers – genetic drift ought make ’em extinct by end of this century.

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Pentagon shadow propaganda shouting down honest journalism in America, except Wikileaks

Propaganda pollsters and puppet corporate media failed to hoodwink Ordinary Americans into voting for corrupt warmonger Hillary..honest journalist John Pilger explains… Australia’s Wikileaks founder Julian Assange famously dismissed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a “war hawk with bad judgment who gets an unseemly emotional rush out of killing people“.

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Rise of Trump American Nationalism a comeback by locals to job-killing globalization

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxk5hf4prMQ   Since he started campaigning for US presidency, Donald Trump has attacked U.S. trade policies that he said have encouraged globalization and wiped out American manufacturing jobs. All-American Trump is the change agent who would bring back manufacturing jobs and end the “rigged system,” which Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton

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Julian Assange warts and all on Clinton, Goldman Sachs, the Saudis and Trump

5th Nov, 2016:  Australian journalist and documentary maker John Pilger interviews Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder. Assange gives one of his most incendiary interviews ever, courtesy of Dartmouth Films, in which he summarizes what can be gleaned from the tens of thousands of the notorious Clinton Emails released by WikiLeaks this

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Fatma Samoura: FIFA’s Poppy-ignorant Third World boss couldn’t run a bath

FIFA’s Secretary General Fatma Samoura has ignorantly imposed a Remembrance Poppy ban on England and Scotland World Cup players. Last year the autocratic and corrupted Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) replaced its corrupt and disgraced secretary general, globalist Sepp Blatter, only for a token African globalist Fatma Samba Diouf

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Clinton desperate in first debate – smear, lies, skeletons, excuses, race, gender, class divide, else more of the same

Trump won on honesty over Clinton in the first US presidential debate last night. Clinton’s opening spiel sounded rehearsed, but then as the questions and responses came, she was on the back foot with excuses. So she let rip with her bag of smear – lies, skeletons, excuses, race, gender,

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Islamization of Britain: Britons resorting to Vigilante Justice

Brits are resorting Vigilante Justice under the onslaught of imposed mass immigration, particularly from the barbaric Third World. Unless security measures are stepped up to counter the “vulnerability and fear” that people feel in the wake of the barbaric terrorism in Woolwich, Paris, Brussels and Nice – a former head

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Hillary Clinton a Corrupt Liar

Hillary Clinton is a liar, corrupt and a traitor to America. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. On July 6, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the Justice Department would not pursue criminal charges against the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee for her use of a private email

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Hillary’s lesbian spite sends in Muslim Humayun Khan to castrate red blooded Americans

No sooner did Hillary wear the official Democrat trouser that hate-male slur spun from the Lesbos lips. ‘NO STRAP ONS IN DA WHITE HOUSE.  DA CIGAR WAS BAD ENOUGH.’ Hillary brought forth the Mother of a slain Muslim soldier, who was let join the US Army as a multicultural while

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