Julian Paul Assange – Australia’s champion for Citizens’ Free Speech exposing Governmental Injustice

True Aussie journalist, Julian Assange (52), a Far North Queensland lad from Townsville, amazingly arrived back in Australia today, Wednesday 26th June 2024. This event, out of the blue to the Australian general public followed a 15-year saga of this case. Julian was subjected to psychological torment in unjust incarceration

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Trump speaks to Alabama against Biden’s corrupt communists – August 5, 2023

Oh and by the way, for the record, this is the transcript of US President Donald Trump’s speech at his patriotic rally back on Wednesday January 6, 2021 in Washington D.C. He never went away. [Associated Press, January 14, 2021, https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-donald-trump-capitol-siege-media-e79eb5164613d6718e9f4502eb471f27] TRUMP:  Well, thank you very much. This is incredible. Media will

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No to THE RACIST VOICE, we’re all Australians Albo

Dysfunctional Alice Springs is a microcosm of what THE RACIST VOICE will inflict on Australians. Beware voters, THE RACIST VOICE is not some benign symbolic gesture to give minority Black fellas a greater more equal say.  It gives them a greater say than non-Black fellas. It’s privilege according to race. 

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Country Liberal Party Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price exposes virtue signalling of Leftist woke brigade

Australia’s Country Liberal Party Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price delivered a cracker maiden speech publicly to the national Senate (upper house) chamber on Wednesday 27th July 2022, after being sworn into the 47th Parliament of Australia. Senator Price rightly exposed the pointless virtue signalling, woke agenda and divisiveness of the Left in

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Farewell Address of President Donald J. Trump

On January 20, 2021, American President Donald J. Trump delivered the final public speech of his first administration, as follows: THE PRESIDENT: My fellow Americans: Four years ago, we launched a great national effort to rebuild our country, to renew its spirit, and to restore the allegiance of this government to

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A toast to border protection and free speech – Trumps speaks at Alamo Texas

Trump’s speech starts 14 minutes into video.  It is one of many, especially since Big Tech has denied this American President free speech.  Leftist prat Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO,  has censored Trump from Twitter in true Chinese Communist Party style. So delete your Twitter account and condemn anti-American prat Dorsey.

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Trump won 74,222,958 real American votes compared with 62,985,106 in 2016 – so go figure the fake Biden win of 2020

The 2020 Democrat Election Fraud Timeline against a first term popular U.S. President running for re-election November 3:  Presidential Election Day – Americans Vote ‘We are going to win’: Trump confident in election victory 03/11/2020 President Donald Trump vowed to bring in the “greatest economic year” in America’s history as

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In 1788, Britain colonially started civilizing a pre-Australian neolithic aboriginal culture out of barbarism, rape and pedophilia

It would take generations. Pre-1788 patriarchal Aborigines had imagined a lush Dreamtime paradise of hunter gathering – berries, seeds, barra, roos, goannas, and chasing Aboriginal women and their kids. Then the British First Fleet sailed into Port Jackson, embedded a white pole, hoisted the Union Jack and declared civilisation for

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Yellow Supremacist threatens Australia with China War propaganda

So China’s commo self-anointed dictator Chairman Xi dispatches his top bullshit artist to threaten Australia’s independence?   Confucius Professor Wang Yiwei…likes winners. But China imperialists are no different to Japanese types. Yellow Supremacists can bugger off! Anglo Australia retains enduring cultural and strategically entrusted ties with Anglo America. The Anglo-sphere strategic

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Brexiteer Boris Johnson as PM is the hope of the side for Absolute Brexit

British Conservative MP Boris Johnson (55) has won the UK’s Conservative Party leadership contest in a ballot of party members and will become the next UK prime minister. Conservative party votes for Johnson doubled his rival Jeremy Hunt, winning 92,153 votes to his Hunt’s 46,656.  Turnout was 87.4% with Johnson

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Niggers in America generations after Lincoln won

After the White American Civil War, by 1865 victorious President Abraham Lincoln had a mandate and plumb opportunity to repatriate niggers back to Africa. That’s why 620,000 Whites sacrificed their lives and way of life wasn’t it? Generations later, in America… Meanwhile…check out the Tennessean… https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2017/10/04/tennessee-white-lives-matter-rally-charlottesville-shelbyville/733075001/    

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Islamic invasion of hate strikes at Paris heart: Notre-Dame razed

The heart of Paris is dead.  Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris is no more.  The 12th Century ‘Our Dame’ has been the Christian cultural heart of Paris and France. Undergoing renovation and surrounded by scaffolding, a fire started this afternoon in the attic.  Of course it was arson. According to French

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Sudanese can never be Australian, for one thing they can’t handle the grog

What do you do when a Sudanese asylum seeker boards your plane?  Catch the next flight or be ready for some inflight entertainment.  It’s as risky as unaccompanied baggage.   And Melbourne is burdened with unaccompanied baggage from deepest darkest. On January 21 2019, stick insect Miss Sudan, boarded a

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Brenton Tarrant’s ‘The Great Replacement of Whites’ reacts to the Third World invasion of White Civilization

Contemporary Knight Templar Brenton Tarrant is accused of the largest massacre in New Zealand history, a terror attack against 100 anti-Christ foreign incompatibles.  It started shortly after 1pm local time on Friday in Christchurch when he stormed a mosque and started shooting. Tarrant surrendered calmly to police within thirty-six minutes

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White Knight Templar Brenton Tarrant most influential person in 2019

The Ides of March in 2019 have ramped up the White Separatist Movement to a mainstream plateau of influence.   Lone wolf protagonist Brenton Tarrant has successfully achieved global media attention, not just to his Christchurch Massacre against imposed mass immigration, but to educate naive Whites about the White Cause –

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Brenton Tarrant’s White Fury against globalist-imposed mass immigration

No!  This is unarmed invasion sanctioned by governments.  It is undemocratic and so fundamentally wrong and a threat to our White Race.  Reject, deport them, else.. ‘take ’em out like Tarrant!’ Christchurch Muslim Massacre – a protest against Mass Immigration   The old political adage goes that ‘One man’s terrorist

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