Obama Wire-Tapped Trump

American President Donald Trump has accused previous President Obama of wire-tapping his phones before the 2016 election. “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” wrote Trump in the first of a series of tweets (below).

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Democrat moles in The White House undermining Trump by media leaks

American national security is being compromised by Democrat moles within The White House leaking sensitive communications to the media. President Donald Trump has relentlessly set about delivering on his election promises diligently, one appointment and one executive order, one a day after another. He also undertook to drain the oligarchy

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First Latino Deported – Mass Repatriation of Hispanics begins

America has deported its first illegal since Obama left the White House to go kitesurfing.   Mexican illegal, Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos (35) was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Arizona working under a fake Social Security number for 21 years in the United States. And the Mexican

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Leftist Democrat Zombies try to get back into The White House

University of California at Berkeley has been attacked for daring to allow free speech. The attack was orchestrated by Democrat anarchists funded by foreign Hungarian communist George Soros. Masked zombies infected by the Democrat libtard virus move in… They desecrate America’s heritage flag.. Watch the trailer as Americans defend themselves

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Democrat globalist leftists can march and their media lie all they want for the next 8 years

It’s become sad Democrat Denial Syndrome, tantrums by brainwashed cocaine addicts like Madonna Louise Ciccone and dial-a-leftists. Meanwhile, America’s elected nationalist president delivers to America’s Grand Old Party (GOP) of American traditional values in Pennsylvania, the state Hillary said Donald Trump could not win. Democrat globalist leftists can march and

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American Nationalist President Trump delivering on promises to the American Voter

The White House is back, serving the American People the way it was originally intended by America’s forefathers.   American Nationalist, President Donald J. Trump is resolutely delivering on his electoral promises to the American People. No more distractions of foreign globalism or of token diversity to appease the multitude of

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President Trump’s “America First” Promise

President Donald J Trump’s inaugural speech to the American People on 20th January 2017 from The Capitol in Washington D.C.: “Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world, thank you. We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a

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Leftist Hollywood Hatefuls deploy lying Democrat propaganda against America’s elected president

Leftist Hollywood celebrities are stuck in denial about Hillary Clinton’s election defeat bid for the White House.   These “celebrities” so-called, aren’t just sore losers.  Their leftist groupthink has morphed into a ‘celebrity politics’ phenomenon – a useful idiot propaganda arm of the Democrat political party.  At every media opportunity, they

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Trump exposes corrupt Clinton and her anti-American leftists at hateful Hollywood

Many celebrities out of Hollywood are liberal leaning leftists and so they politically support the leftist Democrats for personal and ideological reasons.  Their very vocal support for ideal notions like globalism, no borders, climate alarmism, global welfarism is quite fundamentalist and inflexible.  They evangelise Al Gore, Obama and the Clintons

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Donald Trump won the college vote, won the popular vote and trumped over the biased and bribed Democrat media machine

Since Barack Hussein Obama openly told illegals they could vote with impunity in the election, some are wondering how many actually did.  The number could be as high as 3 million. The problem is that at least 3 million illegals may have voted, and likely for Hillary.   If they did,

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Democrat totalitarian left demonise Confederate Flag of White American Heritage

America’s Confederate Flag has of late become a potent symbol of free speech for White Americans. Every time it is flown, African migrant minorities crack a hissy fit crying to populist politicians who subserviently punish patriotic Whites. It is a totalitarian leftard attack against democratic free speech and hard-fought liberties

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KFC under leftard intimidation to convert to minority chicken to preserve its brand

In the latest post-election hissy fit, lamenting Democrat leftards have been reported targeting Kentucky Fried Chicken stores for not being minority friendly and for backing Trump after he was falsely accused of getting stuck into an all-American burger. During the 2016 American election campaign, KFC had apparently declared its support

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Anti-Trump Protest Riots funded by George Soros leftist MoveOn.org

Foreign-born billionaire George Soros ‘owns’ corrupt Hillary.  A financial terrorist of the Democrat Left in America, Soros, predictably been exposed as the man behind the money that’s funding the on-going and violent anti-Donald Trump protests across America. The black hand of convicted criminal George Soros has reached into America’s political

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