Trump speaks to Alabama against Biden’s corrupt communists – August 5, 2023

Oh and by the way, for the record, this is the transcript of US President Donald Trump’s speech at his patriotic rally back on Wednesday January 6, 2021 in Washington D.C. He never went away. [Associated Press, January 14, 2021,] TRUMP:  Well, thank you very much. This is incredible. Media will

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Farewell Address of President Donald J. Trump

On January 20, 2021, American President Donald J. Trump delivered the final public speech of his first administration, as follows: THE PRESIDENT: My fellow Americans: Four years ago, we launched a great national effort to rebuild our country, to renew its spirit, and to restore the allegiance of this government to

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Trump won 74,222,958 real American votes compared with 62,985,106 in 2016 – so go figure the fake Biden win of 2020

The 2020 Democrat Election Fraud Timeline against a first term popular U.S. President running for re-election November 3:  Presidential Election Day – Americans Vote ‘We are going to win’: Trump confident in election victory 03/11/2020 President Donald Trump vowed to bring in the “greatest economic year” in America’s history as

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President Trump Goes to Border to Speak Out Against Mounting Shithole Invasion

*Wherein meme says “wall,” meme therefore indicates “artistically designed steel slats.”   This is good. Keep the focus on this, keep the pressure up. Associated Press: U.S. President Donald Trump is taking the shutdown battle to the U.S.-Mexico border, seeking to bolster his case for the border wall after negotiations

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What is Racism?

“There is surely no nation in the world that holds “racism” in greater horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press and public have become so used to tales of murder, rape, robbery, and arson, that

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Third Worlders from shithole countries have no parasitic right to leech our First World

American nationalist president Donald Trump, having comprehensively won the Thirteenth Christian Crusade against primitive imperialist islam, has understandably set our to blanket exclude disaffected muslims in denial from First World America. Leader of the free world, Trump The Great has extended this proactive strategy to excluding the Third World entirely

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Respect White Southern Heritage

The American Civil War was not just about slavery, but a White cultural and territorial conflict over the original American Congress of the Confederation from 1781 versus an emerging and powerful federal authority. The war was fought over state’s rights and the limits of federal power in a union of

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American Nationalist President Trump delivering on promises to the American Voter

The White House is back, serving the American People the way it was originally intended by America’s forefathers.   American Nationalist, President Donald J. Trump is resolutely delivering on his electoral promises to the American People. No more distractions of foreign globalism or of token diversity to appease the multitude of

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President Trump’s “America First” Promise

President Donald J Trump’s inaugural speech to the American People on 20th January 2017 from The Capitol in Washington D.C.: “Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world, thank you. We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a

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Leftist Hollywood Hatefuls deploy lying Democrat propaganda against America’s elected president

Leftist Hollywood celebrities are stuck in denial about Hillary Clinton’s election defeat bid for the White House.   These “celebrities” so-called, aren’t just sore losers.  Their leftist groupthink has morphed into a ‘celebrity politics’ phenomenon – a useful idiot propaganda arm of the Democrat political party.  At every media opportunity, they

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