Independent Scotland was hoodwinked by Marxist globalists

Scotland’s ‘Yes’ Campaign support by the Scottish Socialist Party had nothing to do with Scottish Independence, but with a programme of ideological Marxist globalism. Fiercely lobbying the ‘Yes’ vote behind the scenes were Marxist globalists and their own unrelated selfish agenda. So why did the No vote win?  It was

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Palace of Westminster lies about its NO campaign against Scotland to retain power and wealth in London

Vote YES to save the Scottish Parliament!   With nine months to go before the Scottish Independence Referendum, London’s Palace of Westminster in November 2013 took back powers from the Scottish Parliament, says Shirley-Anne Somerville, National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament. In November 2013, something of great political significance

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Scotland’s three generations of Highland Clearances (1784-1854)

The Highland Clearances were a callous and criminal chapter in Scottish history.  They were the immoral means of selfish Scottish chiefs and lairds who as early capitalists preferred the Great Cheviot Sheep (“finely shaped, with countenance mild and pleasant”) to their own clansmen who had once been their warrior rent-roll.

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