Corrupt FIFA fines against Remembrance Poppies teams a despicable money grab

FIFA for “the good of the game”?  Good only for a corrupt institution.  Best stick to local Premier League you can trust. On Remembrance Day 2016, out of respect for our war dead, football teams across the British Isles displayed Remembrance Poppies at the World Cup qualifier. “Poppies are a

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Scottish Independence Referendum 2014 – another step toward the Sovereignty of the People of Scotland

It’s up to the strong women of Scotland. A referendum on Scottish independence took place on 18 September 2014. The referendum question, which voters answered with ‘YES‘ or ‘NO‘, was “Should Scotland be an independent country?” …rather than a territory of the UK ruled from Westminster Palace albeit with a

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March for England against the Muslim Invasion – bring on Muslim Auto-Deportation, Dissolution of the Mosques

Islam is a ideological cult that advocates barbaric attitudes, practices and behaviours which are contrary to British Laws.  It is not a religion. Charity status for Islam must end.  Sharia and Islamic Finance must be banned. All Muslims need to be expelled from Britain.  Starting in England where the islamic

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Trump exposes corrupt Clinton and her anti-American leftists at hateful Hollywood

Many celebrities out of Hollywood are liberal leaning leftists and so they politically support the leftist Democrats for personal and ideological reasons.  Their very vocal support for ideal notions like globalism, no borders, climate alarmism, global welfarism is quite fundamentalist and inflexible.  They evangelise Al Gore, Obama and the Clintons

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Black anarchy and anti-White hate sweeps Africa

“Being Afrikaner in South Africa today is like being a Jew in 1930’s Germany, without the worldwide network of sympathy and support. Every day now there is at least one white farmer murdered. Every day I open my Facebook account and there is another report.  Since the 5th of March

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Counter-Islam movement growing in Britain against the invading and breeding 3 million muslims

Britain since globalist PM Tony Blair‘s treacherous mass invasion edict, has allowed the muslim population grow to 3 million, representing one in 20 people across Britain in 2016! Across Great Britain, the latest total is more than 3.1 million, with half born overseas,so the bastard scumj are still flying in

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Ulster’s First Minister Arlene Foster misguided about enticing chinese imperialism to Belfast

What is Ulster’s First Minister, Arlene Foster, doing tripping off on a four-day junket to China to sellout Ulster and entice cheap imports and mass immigration? First Minister Arlene Foster doing secret deals with China’s powerful Madame Liu Yandong   “The visit to China by Arlene Foster now aims to

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Skyscanner founders sellout Scottish intellectual property and local jobs to imperialist chinese

Edinburgh co-founders of Scotland’s online travel info provider Skyscanner have just sold out to the chinese travel giant Ctrip for £1.4 billion. Ctrip is China’s biggest travel company and like all chinese imperialist takeovers, chinese employ chinese first.  Ctrip will shift jobs back to its Shanghai headquarters, else switch non-chinese

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White marginalisation and imposed multiculturalism undermine New Zealand Identity

“In 1973 my mother realized she would gain a better life for herself, my sister and I if we emigrated to New Zealand.  A deciding factor in my mother’s decision making, even as far back as the early 1970’s, was the already apparent social ethnic disharmony in our south London

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Rise of Trump American Nationalism a comeback by locals to job-killing globalization   Since he started campaigning for US presidency, Donald Trump has attacked U.S. trade policies that he said have encouraged globalization and wiped out American manufacturing jobs. All-American Trump is the change agent who would bring back manufacturing jobs and end the “rigged system,” which Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton

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Welsh Nationalists rallied in Swansea against Westminster-imposed Bedroom Tax

Saturday, 5th April 2014: The British National Front held a local rally in the ancient Welsh city of Swansea, protesting against the Tory’s Thatcherite Bedroom Tax impost despatched from Westminster Palace. Think Thatcher’s Poll Tax. The Bedroom Tax was Tory PM David Cameron’s vicious measure to tax Britain’s poor, forcing

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Independent Scotland was hoodwinked by Marxist globalists

Scotland’s ‘Yes’ Campaign support by the Scottish Socialist Party had nothing to do with Scottish Independence, but with a programme of ideological Marxist globalism. Fiercely lobbying the ‘Yes’ vote behind the scenes were Marxist globalists and their own unrelated selfish agenda. So why did the No vote win?  It was

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