Welsh Nationalists rallied in Swansea against Westminster-imposed Bedroom Tax

Saturday, 5th April 2014: The British National Front held a local rally in the ancient Welsh city of Swansea, protesting against the Tory’s Thatcherite Bedroom Tax impost despatched from Westminster Palace. Think Thatcher’s Poll Tax. The Bedroom Tax was Tory PM David Cameron’s vicious measure to tax Britain’s poor, forcing

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Islamic refugee axe terror frenzy on German train

Another week, another rabid islamic attack on the First World, as an islamic Afghan does human halal on a train near Würzburg in northern Bavaria in Germany. Local media report the islamic youth (17) boarded a regional passenger train yesterday (Monday 18 July 2016) armed with an axe and a knife. 

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Baton Rouge – Hate Nigger ambush of police – so why Niggers have gun licenses and let join the US Army?

African negro Gavin Eugene Long (his Anglicised name) is the black identified last Sunday as the deadly murderer of three American police officers in Baton Rouge in the Deep South state of Louisiana. Using the pseudonym “Cosmo Setepenra” (more like his true nigger persona) , Long (29) railed in a

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Liberty, Equality, Islamism

The French revolutionary ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death‘ motto extended by utopian socialist governments in France to Third World Muslims was treacherous. Yesterday an Islamic terrorist demonstrated this in the holiday resort of Nice by mowing down innocent pedestrians with a large truck, murdering at least 80 and maiming many

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University of Western Sydney condones Hizb ut-Tahrir barbaric sexism

Female students wishing to attend the University of Western Sydney (UWS) better expect that they be treated as second class citizens.  Last night UWS staged an Islamic seminar by foreign Muslims extremist group from the Middle East, Hizb ut-Tahrir. Women were segregated and asked to sit at the back of

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Independent Scotland was hoodwinked by Marxist globalists

Scotland’s ‘Yes’ Campaign support by the Scottish Socialist Party had nothing to do with Scottish Independence, but with a programme of ideological Marxist globalism. Fiercely lobbying the ‘Yes’ vote behind the scenes were Marxist globalists and their own unrelated selfish agenda. So why did the No vote win?  It was

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Murdock Propaganda Media’s Andy Coulson found Corrupt

Seven years of deceit by David Cameron’s former director of communications were undone in the Old Bailey on Tuesday, when a jury found Andy Coulson guilty of conspiring to hack  into phone messages. The verdict came at the end of an extraordinary eight-month trial that also saw Coulson’s predecessor as

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Palace of Westminster lies about its NO campaign against Scotland to retain power and wealth in London

Vote YES to save the Scottish Parliament!   With nine months to go before the Scottish Independence Referendum, London’s Palace of Westminster in November 2013 took back powers from the Scottish Parliament, says Shirley-Anne Somerville, National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament. In November 2013, something of great political significance

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Britain is succumbing to government-led foreign invasion

20 Bogus Arguments for Mass Immigration 1.Introduction This paper outlines the many myths that are put forward by the mass immigration lobby in support of the current levels of immigration and dispels each myth in turn. 2.‘Immigration provides great economic benefit’ For many years the Labour government claimed that immigration

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Urban Britain islamised today thanks to Blair

Tony Blair oversaw a secret conspiracy to flood Britain with Labour voting migrants. He deliberately dismantled UK border controls so that two million migrants could settle in the country – and vote for him in future elections. He then gagged Labour officials and his most senior ministers, telling them not

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Woolwich invaded by the barbaric muslim nigger

 Nigger Abebolajo Nigger Adebowale  Two Dead Savages Walking Cameron’s appeasement will see these barbaric niggers tried. But a typical Leftist judge will find excuses for leniency British Gaol awaits irrespective That is the time for rightful justice Their remains sausaged back to their Black Muslim Badlands If Westminster allows the

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