Israel’s Survival: American Republicans condemn Biden Democrats denial of vital weapons at this critical time

  …But then the leftie CNN live podcast that streamed this same video, has since deleted it….to shut down free speech.  Democrats are communist dictators.     It is Democrat desperate corruption repeated.    

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Yellow Supremacist threatens Australia with China War propaganda

So China’s commo self-anointed dictator Chairman Xi dispatches his top bullshit artist to threaten Australia’s independence?   Confucius Professor Wang Yiwei…likes winners. But China imperialists are no different to Japanese types. Yellow Supremacists can bugger off! Anglo Australia retains enduring cultural and strategically entrusted ties with Anglo America. The Anglo-sphere strategic

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White Knight Templar Brenton Tarrant most influential person in 2019

The Ides of March in 2019 have ramped up the White Separatist Movement to a mainstream plateau of influence.   Lone wolf protagonist Brenton Tarrant has successfully achieved global media attention, not just to his Christchurch Massacre against imposed mass immigration, but to educate naive Whites about the White Cause –

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President Trump Goes to Border to Speak Out Against Mounting Shithole Invasion

*Wherein meme says “wall,” meme therefore indicates “artistically designed steel slats.”   This is good. Keep the focus on this, keep the pressure up. Associated Press: U.S. President Donald Trump is taking the shutdown battle to the U.S.-Mexico border, seeking to bolster his case for the border wall after negotiations

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Friggin Faruqi: White-envy racist leftard gets taxpayer propaganda gig at Australia’s national broadcaster

Pudgy bearded islamo-sandnigger, Osman Faruqi, epitomises the contemptuous ungracious deep-seated hate typicially held by offspring of Third World migrants to First World nations.  Osman is offspring to imported Pakis Omar and Mehreen Faruqi, who scammed asylum into Australia in 1992 via the Columbo Third World leg up Plan. The leftist

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Daily Pro White Activism

We all play a role in the advancement or failure of our race. As decent White civilised society, to help further the advancement of our people and secure a future for White Children, some guidelines:   1. Slowly wean back on the amount of media you are exposed to (TV,

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What is Racism?

“There is surely no nation in the world that holds “racism” in greater horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press and public have become so used to tales of murder, rape, robbery, and arson, that

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The Problem of European Man

January 8, 2018 by Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer | ‘As we regularly discuss on the Daily Stormer, Moslems have a religion which says it is good to fight a war against white people. Selling drugs, raping women, committing acts of terrorism and even just basic welfare fraud are all

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Infidel President Trump secures Jerusalem from Muslims in this the Thirteenth Crusade

Imperialist Islam and its hateful terrorism and attacks on Western Civilization has had it coming. Yesterday, American President Donald Trump, leader of the free world, finally has acknowledged the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.   President Trump has ordered the State Department to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to

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Respect White Southern Heritage

The American Civil War was not just about slavery, but a White cultural and territorial conflict over the original American Congress of the Confederation from 1781 versus an emerging and powerful federal authority. The war was fought over state’s rights and the limits of federal power in a union of

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London Calling delivers payback to invading muslims

“I live by the river..” ~ Infidel Crusader, Somerset Yeoman Mr Darren Osborne, hence awarded Knights Templar (Order Of Christ ) for slaying the Islamic invader. Honourable eye-4-eye payback for the muslim attacks on London Bridge, Westminster Bridge, Nice, Paris and Brussels  – all coward-jihad hatred for their envied First

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