Israel’s Survival: American Republicans condemn Biden Democrats denial of vital weapons at this critical time

  …But then the leftie CNN live podcast that streamed this same video, has since deleted it….to shut down free speech.  Democrats are communist dictators.     It is Democrat desperate corruption repeated.    

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Reclaiming St Kilda Beach from Negros – Australian patriots protest the imposed nigger invasion of Melbourne beaches

with AAP (Australians Against Propaganda) | It’s balmy summertime in Melbourne in Australia, but over recent months the popular bayside beachfront promenade of St Kilda Beach has been invaded by nigger criminal gangs attacking locals. Scenes like above have gone.  Melbournians are scared. Naturally, native White Australians have had enough

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Melbourne Zoo: 2018 All You Need to Know Before You Go

Journey through a world of wildlife in the heart of Melbourne.  Tourism Victoria is hosting multicultural safaris in deepest darkest Melbourne, visiting some of Melbourne’s notorious out of control Negro hot spots in Vanstone’s African ghettos of Tarneit, Dandenong, Narre Warren, Pakenham, Werribee, Point Cook, Derimut, Sunshine, and Caroline Springs. Triple

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Winnie Mandela, Africa’s mugger necklace negress finally dead and gone to Hell

Nigger terrorist Winnie Madikizela-Mandela finally died yesterday in South Africa’s Johannesburg aged 81.   The evil witch ought have been hanged in 1986 during her nazi Brown Shirt necklacing campaign – her arbitrary execution by fire using a petrol-soaked tyre around the necks of dissenters of her White Genocide. Mandela Necklacing

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The Problem of European Man

January 8, 2018 by Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer | ‘As we regularly discuss on the Daily Stormer, Moslems have a religion which says it is good to fight a war against white people. Selling drugs, raping women, committing acts of terrorism and even just basic welfare fraud are all

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African Big Man Nigger Syndrome in deepest darkest Gambia doesn’t go quietly

African Big Man in Gambia Godzilla Yahya Jammeh thought he had it pretty good for two decades. He had a big house compound, full pantry, lots of women on tap, military minders and the key to the Gambian Bank. And he hates faggots. Demagoguery is cool in deepest darkest Africa.

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Australia starts deporting Apex Gang niggers terrorizing Melbourne

‘The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Nigger Evil is that Good White Men Do Nothing’.   Just four Apex Machete Gang niggers are to be deported from Melbourne back to the barbaric Third World from whence they came.  One is Sudanese and three are Pacific Islanders who smuggled themselves

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New Years Eve garbage trucks defend West against islamic lorry attacks

To protect the partying, garbage trucks will strategically line Times Square in New York to fend off New Year’s Eve terror threats.  The trucks aren’t there to collect the leftover confetti.  Sixty-five of them have been strategically placed and filled with sand to serve as bomb barriers to prevent access

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Muslim refugees set homeless man on fire in Berlin subway: It’s Gexit or Islam

It’s Christmas Eve 2016 in Berlin, and just four days after an islamic terror attack on Christmas market shoppers at Breitscheidplatz. Merkel’s muslim refugees, six Syrians and one Libyan, set a sleeping homeless man on fire in the Berlin U-Bahn subway.   It occurs next to the Schönleinstraße subway station in

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Tarneit McDonalds in Melbourne a nugget magnet for 150 rioting niggers

Last Sunday night around 9.30pm in Melbourne’s nouveau refugee ghetto of Tarneit (north of Werribee) a pure Sudanese gang numbering more than 150 massed outside McDonalds on Derrimut Road for a junk food fix.  But it quickly descended into a monkey brawl over McNuggets. Just another negro race riot for

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African fathers are useless, their sons end up criminals and overcrowding English prisons

Across urban England, in overcrowded, blackened cities of London, Manchester, Luton, Leicester, Birmingham, Slough – the gun and gang culture among immigrant nigger youth has spread faster than Blair, Labour and the Home Office forecasted. Three towns and cities have joined London in having a minority White British population. Researchers

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March for England against the Muslim Invasion – bring on Muslim Auto-Deportation, Dissolution of the Mosques

Islam is a ideological cult that advocates barbaric attitudes, practices and behaviours which are contrary to British Laws.  It is not a religion. Charity status for Islam must end.  Sharia and Islamic Finance must be banned. All Muslims need to be expelled from Britain.  Starting in England where the islamic

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Counter-Islam movement growing in Britain against the invading and breeding 3 million muslims

Britain since globalist PM Tony Blair‘s treacherous mass invasion edict, has allowed the muslim population grow to 3 million, representing one in 20 people across Britain in 2016! Across Great Britain, the latest total is more than 3.1 million, with half born overseas,so the bastard scumj are still flying in

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Restore Our Borders

Globalist imposts upon a nation’s people like the EU’s Schengen open border naïvety, allow foreigners to invade, undermine and usurping local rights – stealing jobs, taking our houses, choking taxpayer-funded public services, waging organised migrant crime and bringing their hateful terrorism. Our government intelligence needs to know who’s coming and

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Another Third World muslim asylum seeker goes rabid against his Samaritan American host

Multicultural Democrats ‘More Muslims and Mosques Agenda’: ..So what happens when a civilized White society lets in a young Third World muslim male from a civil war zone like African Somalia, replete with muslim attitude and an unpronounceable name? CASE 1:  Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Somali asylum seeker, was

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Islamization of Britain: Britons resorting to Vigilante Justice

Brits are resorting Vigilante Justice under the onslaught of imposed mass immigration, particularly from the barbaric Third World. Unless security measures are stepped up to counter the “vulnerability and fear” that people feel in the wake of the barbaric terrorism in Woolwich, Paris, Brussels and Nice – a former head

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