Israel’s Survival: American Republicans condemn Biden Democrats denial of vital weapons at this critical time

  …But then the leftie CNN live podcast that streamed this same video, has since deleted it….to shut down free speech.  Democrats are communist dictators.     It is Democrat desperate corruption repeated.    

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Reclaiming St Kilda Beach from Negros – Australian patriots protest the imposed nigger invasion of Melbourne beaches

with AAP (Australians Against Propaganda) | It’s balmy summertime in Melbourne in Australia, but over recent months the popular bayside beachfront promenade of St Kilda Beach has been invaded by nigger criminal gangs attacking locals. Scenes like above have gone.  Melbournians are scared. Naturally, native White Australians have had enough

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White Extinction – how long do I have?

By Greg Johnson, January 7, 2016 White Nationalist Greg Johnson, Editor-Publisher of Counter-Currents, argues here that White extinction is not only a plausible hypothesis but an inevitable outcome if present trends continue.   Author’s Note: This essay is based on a talk that I gave in Seattle on January 26, 2014

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Melbourne Zoo: 2018 All You Need to Know Before You Go

Journey through a world of wildlife in the heart of Melbourne.  Tourism Victoria is hosting multicultural safaris in deepest darkest Melbourne, visiting some of Melbourne’s notorious out of control Negro hot spots in Vanstone’s African ghettos of Tarneit, Dandenong, Narre Warren, Pakenham, Werribee, Point Cook, Derimut, Sunshine, and Caroline Springs. Triple

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Winnie Mandela, Africa’s mugger necklace negress finally dead and gone to Hell

Nigger terrorist Winnie Madikizela-Mandela finally died yesterday in South Africa’s Johannesburg aged 81.   The evil witch ought have been hanged in 1986 during her nazi Brown Shirt necklacing campaign – her arbitrary execution by fire using a petrol-soaked tyre around the necks of dissenters of her White Genocide. Mandela Necklacing

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Global Apartheid is all about cultural and democratic self-determination

“Oh, East is East, and West is West, and ne’er the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment seat; But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth, When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the

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Di Natali backs negro genocide of White South African farmers

Anarcho-Greens Godfather Richard di Natali has revealed his racism against Whites this month.  The Greens Supremacist is not just against White Australians which he despises as having ‘white privilege’.  He’s hatefully against any more Whites being invited into Australia. Why?  There not Third World, they don’t breed like African fire

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Mohamed Noor shot dead White Australian veterinarian Justine Damond in her nighty..for friggen calling police

Blonde Australian woman Justine Damond (40) was engaged to a White American and happily living in affluent part of Minneapolis in America. But on the night of July 15, 2017 Justine in her home, heard a woman behind her house screaming so she rang 911 for proper police emergency response. Justine

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White Genocide in South Africa – Australia to offer asylum

Since the end of Apartheid (cultural self-determination) White South Africans continue to be not just persecuted by the hateful oppressive negro government, but are being annihilated under a policy of systematic genocide. It’s called White Hate, else in Boer ‘plaasmoorde’. In 2012 then-President Jacob Zuma made headlines when he sang

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The Problem of European Man

January 8, 2018 by Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer | ‘As we regularly discuss on the Daily Stormer, Moslems have a religion which says it is good to fight a war against white people. Selling drugs, raping women, committing acts of terrorism and even just basic welfare fraud are all

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Infidel President Trump secures Jerusalem from Muslims in this the Thirteenth Crusade

Imperialist Islam and its hateful terrorism and attacks on Western Civilization has had it coming. Yesterday, American President Donald Trump, leader of the free world, finally has acknowledged the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.   President Trump has ordered the State Department to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to

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Koreans predisposed to suicide – Best First World let ’em

Message for Trump: Third World Korean culture is pre-disposed to suicide. So let ’em.  Trump, don’t waste your effort propping up Neanderthals – withdraw your citizens and let the Korean peninsula annihilate itself.  Stone Age to Stone Age is a net gain for the bothered distant First World. Our civilized

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Australian Homestay and granny flat slum network for backdoor migrants

Wanna bit of sly cash on the side?  Put that backyard shed to good use.  Slap on a coat of paint, go down to Vinnies and pick up some cheap second-hand mattresses, then phone Australian Homestay Network and tell ’em you’re open for business!  You’ve got cheap lodging for a

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First Latino Deported – Mass Repatriation of Hispanics begins

America has deported its first illegal since Obama left the White House to go kitesurfing.   Mexican illegal, Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos (35) was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Arizona working under a fake Social Security number for 21 years in the United States. And the Mexican

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Jack Dorsey’s Twitter is anti-White Hate propaganda tool

Jack Dorsey’s Twitter is anti-White Hate propaganda tool.  In 2012, more than 100 million users posted 340 million tweets a day. It is the communication tool of choice by leftists because like their sloganeering rants and chants it is a one-way broadcast limited to 140 characters. Some pretty disgraceful double-standards

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African Big Man Nigger Syndrome in deepest darkest Gambia doesn’t go quietly

African Big Man in Gambia Godzilla Yahya Jammeh thought he had it pretty good for two decades. He had a big house compound, full pantry, lots of women on tap, military minders and the key to the Gambian Bank. And he hates faggots. Demagoguery is cool in deepest darkest Africa.

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Australia starts deporting Apex Gang niggers terrorizing Melbourne

‘The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Nigger Evil is that Good White Men Do Nothing’.   Just four Apex Machete Gang niggers are to be deported from Melbourne back to the barbaric Third World from whence they came.  One is Sudanese and three are Pacific Islanders who smuggled themselves

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White Genocide across Africa sparks urgency for White and Black Progenitorial Repatriation

Across Africa, negro governments have systematically marginalized and oppressed minority Whites into destitution – particularly in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya. Remnants of White Colonisation have been extinguished by deliberate policies of racist ethnic cleansing, co-ordinated by security forces, implemented by barbaric organized gangs inflicting hate crimes against Whites, and

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