Scottish Independence Referendum 2014 – another step toward the Sovereignty of the People of Scotland

It’s up to the strong women of Scotland. A referendum on Scottish independence took place on 18 September 2014. The referendum question, which voters answered with ‘YES‘ or ‘NO‘, was “Should Scotland be an independent country?” …rather than a territory of the UK ruled from Westminster Palace albeit with a

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African fathers are useless, their sons end up criminals and overcrowding English prisons

Across urban England, in overcrowded, blackened cities of London, Manchester, Luton, Leicester, Birmingham, Slough – the gun and gang culture among immigrant nigger youth has spread faster than Blair, Labour and the Home Office forecasted. Three towns and cities have joined London in having a minority White British population. Researchers

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March for England against the Muslim Invasion – bring on Muslim Auto-Deportation, Dissolution of the Mosques

Islam is a ideological cult that advocates barbaric attitudes, practices and behaviours which are contrary to British Laws.  It is not a religion. Charity status for Islam must end.  Sharia and Islamic Finance must be banned. All Muslims need to be expelled from Britain.  Starting in England where the islamic

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Trump exposes corrupt Clinton and her anti-American leftists at hateful Hollywood

Many celebrities out of Hollywood are liberal leaning leftists and so they politically support the leftist Democrats for personal and ideological reasons.  Their very vocal support for ideal notions like globalism, no borders, climate alarmism, global welfarism is quite fundamentalist and inflexible.  They evangelise Al Gore, Obama and the Clintons

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Fairfax County, Virginia keeping the looting niggers out

Locals sending roaming nigger looters a message to stay out of White American neighbourhoods. Every time some criminal negro pulls a gun on police and police rightly respond, kneejerk niggers get all offended as if black lives matter.  Then just as night follow day, just as niggers leave school and

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Black anarchy and anti-White hate sweeps Africa

“Being Afrikaner in South Africa today is like being a Jew in 1930’s Germany, without the worldwide network of sympathy and support. Every day now there is at least one white farmer murdered. Every day I open my Facebook account and there is another report.  Since the 5th of March

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Counter-Islam movement growing in Britain against the invading and breeding 3 million muslims

Britain since globalist PM Tony Blair‘s treacherous mass invasion edict, has allowed the muslim population grow to 3 million, representing one in 20 people across Britain in 2016! Across Great Britain, the latest total is more than 3.1 million, with half born overseas,so the bastard scumj are still flying in

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Ulster’s First Minister Arlene Foster misguided about enticing chinese imperialism to Belfast

What is Ulster’s First Minister, Arlene Foster, doing tripping off on a four-day junket to China to sellout Ulster and entice cheap imports and mass immigration? First Minister Arlene Foster doing secret deals with China’s powerful Madame Liu Yandong   “The visit to China by Arlene Foster now aims to

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Donald Trump won the college vote, won the popular vote and trumped over the biased and bribed Democrat media machine

Since Barack Hussein Obama openly told illegals they could vote with impunity in the election, some are wondering how many actually did.  The number could be as high as 3 million. The problem is that at least 3 million illegals may have voted, and likely for Hillary.   If they did,

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Australia’s halved backpacker tax perpetuates exploited slave farm labour

Why would an Australian farmer employ locals on decent First World wages, when offered slave rates for ‘no-questions-asked‘ two-bit foreign labourers all tax-free, bused in and out through an arm’s length labour hire firm? Nudge nudge wink wink, say no more. Free Trade Not a Level Playing Field Imposed ‘free

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Bridget Harilaou attacks Australia’s Parliament in Canberra

Bridget Harilaou is the squealing feral piglet caught illegally in Australia’s Parliament in Canberra, shrieking out a drug-induced toddler tantrum that got televised across the nation for the nightly news on November 30, 2016. Bridget Harilaou arrested for illegal trespass in Parliament and suspected of being influenced by ICE (methamphetamine)

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Restore Our Borders

Globalist imposts upon a nation’s people like the EU’s Schengen open border naïvety, allow foreigners to invade, undermine and usurping local rights – stealing jobs, taking our houses, choking taxpayer-funded public services, waging organised migrant crime and bringing their hateful terrorism. Our government intelligence needs to know who’s coming and

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