Hillary Clinton Guilty as Sin

The following excerpt from bestselling author Edward Klein’s new book, Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation, is from a Chapter titled “Her Fatal Flaw.” “Some literary minded observers compare Hillary to Lady Macbeth, whose vaulting ambition led

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Another Third World muslim asylum seeker goes rabid against his Samaritan American host

Multicultural Democrats ‘More Muslims and Mosques Agenda’: ..So what happens when a civilized White society lets in a young Third World muslim male from a civil war zone like African Somalia, replete with muslim attitude and an unpronounceable name? CASE 1:  Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Somali asylum seeker, was

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Ireland sets fumigation standard to deal with Asylum Seekers

Ireland seems to be setting the standard in dealing with fake/bogus asylum seekers seeking First World welfare. According to the European Union’s statistical agency ‘Eurostat‘, the Republic of Ireland holds Europe’s record as the most “asylum seeker” unfriendly nation, and sports a rejection rate of around 90 per cent! Of

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Secret report warned of migration meltdown in Britain

Britain 2006:  “A massive rise in immigration next year could trigger a devastating crisis in Britain’s schools, housing and welfare services”, according to a leaked secret Government report. The document reveals that every Government department has been ordered to draw up multi-million-pound emergency plans after being told public services face

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Skyscanner founders sellout Scottish intellectual property and local jobs to imperialist chinese

Edinburgh co-founders of Scotland’s online travel info provider Skyscanner have just sold out to the chinese travel giant Ctrip for £1.4 billion. Ctrip is China’s biggest travel company and like all chinese imperialist takeovers, chinese employ chinese first.  Ctrip will shift jobs back to its Shanghai headquarters, else switch non-chinese

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White marginalisation and imposed multiculturalism undermine New Zealand Identity

“In 1973 my mother realized she would gain a better life for herself, my sister and I if we emigrated to New Zealand.  A deciding factor in my mother’s decision making, even as far back as the early 1970’s, was the already apparent social ethnic disharmony in our south London

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Not Fake News: Nottinghamshire Police don’t want you if you’re a CIS White Male

Remember Nottinghamshire? That place that made cat-calling a hate crime? Well, they’re at it again. This time they’re parading around how pozzed and proud they are. Notts Police last July became the first force in Britain to brand anything that could be construed as misogyny as a hate crime – wolf whistling,

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Mass immigration and foreigners pushing British citizens’ NHS healthcare system to crisis of neglect

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) exists for the comprehensive healthcare of Britons, but ever since it was introduced by the socialist spendthrift Labor Party back in 1948, the promised ‘King’s Fund’ for sick Brits has been underfunded. Welfarism utopia costs a lot.  Indeed, comprehensive welfarism for ‘all and sundry’ demands

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Adidas, Nike, Reebok sweatshop sneakers made in Third World for fake Democrats

So the globalist Left have fantasized demonising American sneaker brand New Balance being somehow the ‘Official Shoe Of White People’.  More fake leftism. Surely, it is competitors Adidas, Nike, Reebok and their sweatshop sneakers made in the Third World who deserve demonising.  Adidas, Nike, Reebok make them a buck a

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Pablum Muslim tries to convert Canadian prisoners to islam…doesn’t work

Canadian officials have released a video (March 2015) in which Carlos Larmond (in islamic beard), who is facing terrorism charges along with his twin brother, cops his just Baklava after trying to intimidate ordinary inmates to Islam. Carlos the Muslim cops Canadian give’r payback. Cowtown raghead! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21uTo2wujV8 During the kerfuffle

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Too dangerous for Whites in Africa

Across Africa, negroes in power are marginalising and oppressing minority Whites into destitution and worse – notably in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya. Africa culturally has simply descended to being too dangerous for Whites.  Remnants of prosperous White colonisation are chaotically being looted and extinguished by anti-White policies of negro

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Democrat totalitarian left demonise Confederate Flag of White American Heritage

America’s Confederate Flag has of late become a potent symbol of free speech for White Americans. Every time it is flown, African migrant minorities crack a hissy fit crying to populist politicians who subserviently punish patriotic Whites. It is a totalitarian leftard attack against democratic free speech and hard-fought liberties

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KFC under leftard intimidation to convert to minority chicken to preserve its brand

In the latest post-election hissy fit, lamenting Democrat leftards have been reported targeting Kentucky Fried Chicken stores for not being minority friendly and for backing Trump after he was falsely accused of getting stuck into an all-American burger. During the 2016 American election campaign, KFC had apparently declared its support

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Aboriginal Domestic Violence Chronic in White Australia

A white black, Melissa Dinnison (below), claims the above cartoons are offensive. The oxymoronic leftard living in Germany needs to get out more, like in Derby, Western Australia…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ew7f4eE–yw Brainless Type 2 Blubbers – genetic drift ought make ’em extinct by end of this century.

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Pentagon shadow propaganda shouting down honest journalism in America, except Wikileaks

Propaganda pollsters and puppet corporate media failed to hoodwink Ordinary Americans into voting for corrupt warmonger Hillary..honest journalist John Pilger explains… Australia’s Wikileaks founder Julian Assange famously dismissed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a “war hawk with bad judgment who gets an unseemly emotional rush out of killing people“.

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Anti-Trump Protest Riots funded by George Soros leftist MoveOn.org

Foreign-born billionaire George Soros ‘owns’ corrupt Hillary.  A financial terrorist of the Democrat Left in America, Soros, predictably been exposed as the man behind the money that’s funding the on-going and violent anti-Donald Trump protests across America. The black hand of convicted criminal George Soros has reached into America’s political

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Anti-Trump extreme left incite blacks to street violence – playing to maintream media

Hillary Clinton’s leftard Democrats are so indignant and so totalitarian that they were always going to riot against any opponent like Donald Trump. Predictably, Clinton lost the presidency to Trump so comprehensively across America. So Clintonista Democrat collage leftards languishing on their rich parents, were dispatched to centrally co-ordinated street

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