Never lose faith in our kin’s resolve

For the Glorious Preservation of our White Race
Read moreFor the Glorious Preservation of our White Race
Read moreSo some unhinged college student sets himself on fire in front of Trump Hotel January 18. Crackle and pop is heard from the fire in the background. He yells “Trump” several times as flames run up his back but he didn’t use enough petrol. The Fire dept puts it out
Read moreFrench nationalist Marine Le Pen (48) of the ‘Front National’ party (FN) launched her presidential campaign yesterday in Lyons amid a sea of tricolour flags in a capacity filled conference hall to a cheering crowd of 3,500 French patriots, with a further 1,500 gathered outside. Like a Joan of Arc
Read moreThe news is filled with horror stories of China’s nasty exports coming to our shores – toy ovens that burn our children, seafood laden with toxics and antibiotics, tires that come apart on the highways, pet food that kills pets… and the list goes on. China must stop the exportation
Read moreUniversity of California at Berkeley has been attacked for daring to allow free speech. The attack was orchestrated by Democrat anarchists funded by foreign Hungarian communist George Soros. Masked zombies infected by the Democrat libtard virus move in… They desecrate America’s heritage flag.. Watch the trailer as Americans defend themselves
Read moreJack Dorsey’s Twitter is anti-White Hate propaganda tool. In 2012, more than 100 million users posted 340 million tweets a day. It is the communication tool of choice by leftists because like their sloganeering rants and chants it is a one-way broadcast limited to 140 characters. Some pretty disgraceful double-standards
Read moreIt’s become sad Democrat Denial Syndrome, tantrums by brainwashed cocaine addicts like Madonna Louise Ciccone and dial-a-leftists. Meanwhile, America’s elected nationalist president delivers to America’s Grand Old Party (GOP) of American traditional values in Pennsylvania, the state Hillary said Donald Trump could not win. Democrat globalist leftists can march and
Read moreAfrican Big Man in Gambia Godzilla Yahya Jammeh thought he had it pretty good for two decades. He had a big house compound, full pantry, lots of women on tap, military minders and the key to the Gambian Bank. And he hates faggots. Demagoguery is cool in deepest darkest Africa.
Read moreThe White House is back, serving the American People the way it was originally intended by America’s forefathers. American Nationalist, President Donald J. Trump is resolutely delivering on his electoral promises to the American People. No more distractions of foreign globalism or of token diversity to appease the multitude of
Read moreThis is the scandalous lying image montage misused by CNN as deliberate misinformation. The implied critical message against Trump, that suggests he attracted far fewer crowd supporters that Obama, is a fabricated lie. It goes to the heart of CNN’s media bias and propaganda that only discredits the organisation from
Read more‘The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Nigger Evil is that Good White Men Do Nothing’. Just four Apex Machete Gang niggers are to be deported from Melbourne back to the barbaric Third World from whence they came. One is Sudanese and three are Pacific Islanders who smuggled themselves
Read moreLeftist Commie Zombies rioting in Washington DC and Portland OR hate America for America’s sake, because they are hateful drug-fueled anarchists of wealthy elite parents. American citizens demand Law and Order. Stop these black bloc masked looters and shop smashing criminals. These black clad criminals are Hillary’s Hoodlums and America’s
Read morePresident Donald J Trump’s inaugural speech to the American People on 20th January 2017 from The Capitol in Washington D.C.: “Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world, thank you. We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a
Read moreTheresa May’s first speech as Britain’s prime minister 13th July 2016 “I have just been to Buckingham Palace where Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to form a new government, and I accepted. In David Cameron, I follow in the footsteps of a great, modern prime minister. Under David’s
Read moreWhat do Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Noam Chomsky and George Soros have in common? They were/are all radicals, born to Jewish parents, had no Jewish identity and hurt Jews, not to mention non-Jews. Revealing the evil deceptive ploys and tactics of George Soros, progressive liberals, Marxists, Communists, Socialists, et. al.
Read moreBillionaire George Soros and other rich liberals spent (wasted) tens of millions of dollars trying to get Hillary Clinton elected as president. They formed the Democrat Alliance with the what has become known as the Washington Swamp – Obama’s oligarchy. Immediately after Donald Trump’s presidential victory which also left both
Read moreOn 30th January 1972 during winter in the poverty stricken and persecuted Bogside area of Derry in Northern Ireland, a peaceful protest had been organised by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association and the Northern Resistance Movement against British military rule and oppression. British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians during
Read moreFaggots, transvestites, and various LGTBI deviants number 10% of the population of Sydney, assumed to be numbering half a million. Sexually transmitted AIDS, HIV, herpes, gonorrhea are prolific and predicted mutant strains will soon become antibiotic resistant. Hormone induced sex changes are all the rage and the deviance is being
Read moreStormont continues to let down the people of Ulster. Poor governance and financial mismanagement are not delivering the promises and optimism of what has stalled for centuries, the long coming Good Friday Peace Agreement. Instead party politics, verbal diarrhoea and arrogance have got Ulster’s priorities all wrong. Current head of the
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