White Genocide in South Africa – Australia to offer asylum

Since the end of Apartheid (cultural self-determination) White South Africans continue to be not just persecuted by the hateful oppressive negro government, but are being annihilated under a policy of systematic genocide. It’s called White Hate, else in Boer ‘plaasmoorde’. In 2012 then-President Jacob Zuma made headlines when he sang

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QANTAS decrees faggot month with strap-on float in Mardi Gras

Of course Joycey was in the parade..up the front! . SYDNEY: QANTAS PC feminazi Mz Lesley Grant has pretty much decreed March hug-a-faggot month, issuing a company-wide ultimatum to all staff not to dare offend poofs, dykes, trannies, cross dressers, pedos, and the like.  As part of its ‘Spirit of

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Nationalist success in America which the Democrat-biased ABC politically won’t publish

Nationalist President Donald Trump is truly on track to make America great again, by rejecting leftard globalism and instead by comprehensively and consistently putting America first, unconditionally. Yet in Australia on the ABC (our taxpayer-funded national broadcaster) imported chinese CEO ‘Troughwoman’ relentlessly dishes out anti-Trump hate, Democrat fake news. Our

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Albino Aboriginal Tarneen Onus-Williams blatantly incites anti-Australian hate

Anyone downunder who hates Australia ought to follow Jeff Kennett’s advice “buy a one-way plane ticket.” ‘Baudeclaire and Milton‘?  – inferences the Black Devil Incarnate ‘Tarneen da Hateful’..presumed ‘LGBTTQQFAGPEDOBDSM+ ‘ Best to Run! Kooree Youth Council leader Tarneen Onus-Williams (no Aboriginal name) on Australia Day January 26 2018, stomped in

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Third Worlders from shithole countries have no parasitic right to leech our First World

American nationalist president Donald Trump, having comprehensively won the Thirteenth Christian Crusade against primitive imperialist islam, has understandably set our to blanket exclude disaffected muslims in denial from First World America. Leader of the free world, Trump The Great has extended this proactive strategy to excluding the Third World entirely

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The Problem of European Man

January 8, 2018 by Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer https://dailystormer.red/the-problem-of-european-man/ | ‘As we regularly discuss on the Daily Stormer, Moslems have a religion which says it is good to fight a war against white people. Selling drugs, raping women, committing acts of terrorism and even just basic welfare fraud are all

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Infidel President Trump secures Jerusalem from Muslims in this the Thirteenth Crusade

Imperialist Islam and its hateful terrorism and attacks on Western Civilization has had it coming. Yesterday, American President Donald Trump, leader of the free world, finally has acknowledged the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.   President Trump has ordered the State Department to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to

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Nationalist solidarity across the Atlantic

British patriotic nationalist group Britain First is growing in popularity across mainstream Britain, especially in the densely invaded Third World immigrant cities of London, Birmingham and Manchester. But the Left is cracking down on free speech expressed by concerned patriots about the growing takeover by invading Islam inciting racial hatred

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Koreans predisposed to suicide – Best First World let ’em

Message for Trump: Third World Korean culture is pre-disposed to suicide. So let ’em.  Trump, don’t waste your effort propping up Neanderthals – withdraw your citizens and let the Korean peninsula annihilate itself.  Stone Age to Stone Age is a net gain for the bothered distant First World. Our civilized

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Respect White Southern Heritage

The American Civil War was not just about slavery, but a White cultural and territorial conflict over the original American Congress of the Confederation from 1781 versus an emerging and powerful federal authority. The war was fought over state’s rights and the limits of federal power in a union of

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Australian Homestay and granny flat slum network for backdoor migrants

Wanna bit of sly cash on the side?  Put that backyard shed to good use.  Slap on a coat of paint, go down to Vinnies and pick up some cheap second-hand mattresses, then phone Australian Homestay Network and tell ’em you’re open for business!  You’ve got cheap lodging for a

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Tory £1Bn Confidence and Supply Deal with Ulster’s DUP

On 26th June 2017, UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s returned minority Tory government signed a funding deal with Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party in exchange for critical support to enable the Tories to govern in Westminster. In return the party secured £1bn of extra funding, which is allocated mainly to

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U.S. President Trump’s Warsaw Speech in defence of Civilization

U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the people of Poland in front of the Warsaw Uprising Monument at Krasiński Square in Warsaw, Poland on July 6, 2017. Trumps asks if the West has the will to survive. If you doubted Donald Trump has what it takes to make America great again,

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London Calling delivers payback to invading muslims

“I live by the river..” ~ Infidel Crusader, Somerset Yeoman Mr Darren Osborne, hence awarded Knights Templar (Order Of Christ ) for slaying the Islamic invader. Honourable eye-4-eye payback for the muslim attacks on London Bridge, Westminster Bridge, Nice, Paris and Brussels  – all coward-jihad hatred for their envied First

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