Switzerland rejects allowing a Turkish muslim state inside its sovereignty; it’s called invasion

Switzerland has rejected allowing a different set of laws for foreign muslims from Turkey to prevail within its borders.  Foreigners to Switzerland must follow Swiss laws and customs, as with any sovereign nation. To permit otherwise amounts to invasion and surrendering of the Swiss people’s sovereignty. In Basel in the

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Leftist Hollywood Hatefuls deploy lying Democrat propaganda against America’s elected president

Leftist Hollywood celebrities are stuck in denial about Hillary Clinton’s election defeat bid for the White House.   These “celebrities” so-called, aren’t just sore losers.  Their leftist groupthink has morphed into a ‘celebrity politics’ phenomenon – a useful idiot propaganda arm of the Democrat political party.  At every media opportunity, they

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What is a nation?

“A nation is a soul, a spiritual principle.  Two things, which in truth are but one, constitute this soul or spiritual principle. One lies in the past, one in the present. One is the possession in common of a rich legacy of memories; the other is present- day consent, the

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The Nationalism Project – Wales

This is an extract of The Nationalism Project, an impressive collection of scholarly resources related to the study of Angloceltic nationalism including leading definitions of nationalism, book reviews, web links, subject bibliographies, a bibliography of more than 2,000 journal articles, and much more. The site was created in 1999 by

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The Nationalism Project – Ulster

This is an extract of The Nationalism Project, an impressive collection of scholarly resources related to the study of Angloceltic nationalism including leading definitions of nationalism, book reviews, web links, subject bibliographies, a bibliography of more than 2,000 journal articles, and much more. The site was created in 1999 by

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The Nationalism Project – England

This is an extract of The Nationalism Project, an impressive collection of scholarly resources related to the study of Angloceltic nationalism including leading definitions of nationalism, book reviews, web links, subject bibliographies, a bibliography of more than 2,000 journal articles, and much more. The site was created in 1999 by

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The Nationalism Project – Scotland

This is an extract of The Nationalism Project, an impressive collection of scholarly resources related to the study of Angloceltic nationalism including leading definitions of nationalism, book reviews, web links, subject bibliographies, a bibliography of more than 2,000 journal articles, and much more. The site was created in 1999 by

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White Genocide across Africa sparks urgency for White and Black Progenitorial Repatriation

Across Africa, negro governments have systematically marginalized and oppressed minority Whites into destitution – particularly in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya. Remnants of White Colonisation have been extinguished by deliberate policies of racist ethnic cleansing, co-ordinated by security forces, implemented by barbaric organized gangs inflicting hate crimes against Whites, and

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Asian ferries a death wish servicing suicide tourism

Another year, another Third World ferry sinking.  Fast boat to incineration, Indonesia’s ‘Zahro Express‘ is ablaze at sea, just 20 minutes after leaving port in Jakarta on New Year’s Day 2017. The unseaworthy ferry was to carry 230 Indonesians from Jakarta 50km to Tidung island returning from NYE party. About

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Only fools holiday in backward Third World countries like Indonesia

Why risk holidaying in backward Third World countries when they have no idea, shit standards, and the locals hate tourists? In Indonesia for instance, get mugged, raped or murdered, get run over by chaotic traffic, get poisoned at a restaurant, get drinks spiked at a bar, have your bar blown

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New Years Eve garbage trucks defend West against islamic lorry attacks

To protect the partying, garbage trucks will strategically line Times Square in New York to fend off New Year’s Eve terror threats.  The trucks aren’t there to collect the leftover confetti.  Sixty-five of them have been strategically placed and filled with sand to serve as bomb barriers to prevent access

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Muslim refugees set homeless man on fire in Berlin subway: It’s Gexit or Islam

It’s Christmas Eve 2016 in Berlin, and just four days after an islamic terror attack on Christmas market shoppers at Breitscheidplatz. Merkel’s muslim refugees, six Syrians and one Libyan, set a sleeping homeless man on fire in the Berlin U-Bahn subway.   It occurs next to the Schönleinstraße subway station in

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Corrupt FIFA fines against Remembrance Poppies teams a despicable money grab

FIFA for “the good of the game”?  Good only for a corrupt institution.  Best stick to local Premier League you can trust. On Remembrance Day 2016, out of respect for our war dead, football teams across the British Isles displayed Remembrance Poppies at the World Cup qualifier. “Poppies are a

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Islamic truck attack on Christmas Berliners – Merkel invites the muslims in, local Germans pay the price

It is an Islamic terror attack on Christmas. They hate us. EU Schengen lets in the stolen truck from Poland. Five million muslims now in Germany and in every urban ghetto they set up, they demand mosques and sharia. Globalist Merkel was WARNED of Christmas massacre weeks ago, but ponders: 

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Tarneit McDonalds in Melbourne a nugget magnet for 150 rioting niggers

Last Sunday night around 9.30pm in Melbourne’s nouveau refugee ghetto of Tarneit (north of Werribee) a pure Sudanese gang numbering more than 150 massed outside McDonalds on Derrimut Road for a junk food fix.  But it quickly descended into a monkey brawl over McNuggets. Just another negro race riot for

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