White Extinction – how long do I have?

By Greg Johnson, January 7, 2016 White Nationalist Greg Johnson, Editor-Publisher of Counter-Currents, argues here that White extinction is not only a plausible hypothesis but an inevitable outcome if present trends continue.   Author’s Note: This essay is based on a talk that I gave in Seattle on January 26, 2014

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Melbourne Zoo: 2018 All You Need to Know Before You Go

Journey through a world of wildlife in the heart of Melbourne.  Tourism Victoria is hosting multicultural safaris in deepest darkest Melbourne, visiting some of Melbourne’s notorious out of control Negro hot spots in Vanstone’s African ghettos of Tarneit, Dandenong, Narre Warren, Pakenham, Werribee, Point Cook, Derimut, Sunshine, and Caroline Springs. Triple

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Foreign Minister Boris Johnson resigns to preserve British hope of independence

Boris Johnson has resigned as Britain’s foreign minister, saying he can’t support a Brexit strategy that has been suffocated by “needless self-doubt” when it should be about “opportunity and hope”. His decision to walk followed that of Brexit minister David Davis, leading to open speculation about whether Prime Minister Theresa

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Leo Murray a climate alarmist from the Royal College of Art to send a message to Saliq Khan

London silver spoon elitist Leo Murray is to send an artful message to London’s treacherous Islamic Mayor Sadiq Khan during US President Donald Trump’s forthcoming visit to Britain next week. “Help Us Evict the Muslim!” Murray’s giant pig blimp, as a symbol of pork cuisine, is to be flown above

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Crusaders You Have Our Back

Special Forces giving it up the islamic Taliban enemy in Afghanistan back in 2007. The only problem is your political masters have you fighting other people’s wars, while those same masters import the enemy your fighting into your home nation, Australia. With nearly a million islamics now inhabiting Australia, the

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Friggin Faruqi: White-envy racist leftard gets taxpayer propaganda gig at Australia’s national broadcaster

Pudgy bearded islamo-sandnigger, Osman Faruqi, epitomises the contemptuous ungracious deep-seated hate typicially held by offspring of Third World migrants to First World nations.  Osman is offspring to imported Pakis Omar and Mehreen Faruqi, who scammed asylum into Australia in 1992 via the Columbo Third World leg up Plan. The leftist

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PM Theresa May’s Mansion House Brexit Speech of 2nd March 2018

Here is the full text of Theresa May’s Mansion House Speech of 2nd March 2018 setting out her vision for the UK’s relationship with the EU after Brexit.  It follows from her Brexit Speech at Lancaster House on 17th January 2017 which is reproduced via the following link: PM Theresa

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Daily Pro White Activism

We all play a role in the advancement or failure of our race. As decent White civilised society, to help further the advancement of our people and secure a future for White Children, some guidelines:   1. Slowly wean back on the amount of media you are exposed to (TV,

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What is Racism?

“There is surely no nation in the world that holds “racism” in greater horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press and public have become so used to tales of murder, rape, robbery, and arson, that

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Winnie Mandela, Africa’s mugger necklace negress finally dead and gone to Hell

Nigger terrorist Winnie Madikizela-Mandela finally died yesterday in South Africa’s Johannesburg aged 81.   The evil witch ought have been hanged in 1986 during her nazi Brown Shirt necklacing campaign – her arbitrary execution by fire using a petrol-soaked tyre around the necks of dissenters of her White Genocide. Mandela Necklacing

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Global Apartheid is all about cultural and democratic self-determination

“Oh, East is East, and West is West, and ne’er the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment seat; But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth, When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the

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Easter origins are Pagan Ēostre, annexed by the Roman Catholic Church

Easter originates from ancient Pagan seasonal festival of Ēostre. The Christian religion was imposed upon Celtic Pagan Britain by invading imperialist Romans (43-410 AD).  The Romans pragmatically adopted Pagan practices of ancient Celtic Europe such as Ēostre (named after the Celtic Goddess of Spring, ‘Ostara‘), in order to artificially legitimise

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Di Natali backs negro genocide of White South African farmers

Anarcho-Greens Godfather Richard di Natali has revealed his racism against Whites this month.  The Greens Supremacist is not just against White Australians which he despises as having ‘white privilege’.  He’s hatefully against any more Whites being invited into Australia. Why?  There not Third World, they don’t breed like African fire

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Out of Africa humanoids breeding invasion of Germany

by Diversity Macht Frei, March 29, 2018. | The German birth-rate has reached the highest level since 1973. The latest figures are from 2016 and show a birth-rate of 1.59 per woman. Unfortunately, it’s not Germans who are being born, but their replacers. Ausländische translates to ‘foreigners’. The graphic above

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Mohamed Noor shot dead White Australian veterinarian Justine Damond in her nighty..for friggen calling police

Blonde Australian woman Justine Damond (40) was engaged to a White American and happily living in affluent part of Minneapolis in America. But on the night of July 15, 2017 Justine in her home, heard a woman behind her house screaming so she rang 911 for proper police emergency response. Justine

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